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Everything posted by Allison

  1. Hi, trying nurtec. Afraid of emgality, once its in its in. 2 nights in a row no headache. On pred and verapamil, decreasing pred. Took nurtec near bedtime
  2. Thanks,insurance denied nurtec and ubrelvy. Bought ubrelvy bc at wits end. Tsking off label starting sat pm. Taken every night. No headaches, slept every night since starting. Beast still there,have that ghoust feeling but no actual headaches. Want off pred but afraid to taper too fast. Had to cut hours at work to part time bc cycle was so intense. This is first time since Christmas i have not had a headache night. Was getting btw 4 to 8 attacks all night long. Going to try pushing insurance for nurtec. Mayo clinic doing phasr 2 trials but i do not qualify bc of current drug use. At this point i will drain my savings for this drug. Afraid to try emgality bc lasts so long and have had several drug reactions in the past
  3. Going to try nurtec as soon as insurance approves. Having a terrible cluster cycle that keeps ramping up. Headache every 45 mins all night long. On verapamil and just boosted pred to 24 mg bid for few days. Have oxygen which aborts but so many headaches in a row that no sleep and pain. Hesitant to do emgality as have reacted poorly to drugs in past and that is long acting injection. Triptans make me feel so bad have not used in past years. Will post about nurtec. Fingers crossed
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