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Everything posted by Jbiza

  1. Also, while you’re unable to get to your O2 while away from the house, I was able to get a couple of smaller tanks that are basically portable with regulators and masks. I keep them in a bookbag with my Imitrex injections. It’s just a sense a relief for me as I’ve never had to use them yet. Thought I’d share. Get well
  2. I haven’t had much success with the device for both abortive and preventive, and of course given the cost and difficulty to find refill cards, I’m not sure if it’s worth it. But we’re all different so may work for you. Just sharing my experience. Hoping you get well
  3. Easier said than done of course. I struggle… Figuring out a way to escape this thing. Sorry for all and I get it. Get well!
  4. I’ve heard and experienced the same. Not advocating to drink vodka, or alcohol in general given possible triggers.
  5. Hello all, hope are feeling well. I am new to CB but am a clusterhead with you. I’ve been in two of the longest cycles I have ever experienced in 16 years and cannot bust it. O2 and sumatriptan does help lessen the pain and sometimes even abort the attacks, however I am curious if anyone has attempted Nurtec for both abortive and preventative? I’ve been through many neurologists and a ton of other drugs without success. Even in a clinical trial at Mayo in Minnesota. - Josh
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