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  1. Hi Jimmy , I've just had relief with 240mg verapamil at 7am and 7pm but also indomethacin 100mg twice daily at same time. Verapamil has reduced HR to 38 resting 80 Max so a bit of a chore doing much but im booked for Occipital Nerve block on 14th August 23 so looking to reduce off these meds then. Tried both these meds separately over the years with no effect but together im on day 3 with no attacks ( I was having around 8 full blown attacks per day)
  2. I've had Chronic Paroxmal Hemicrania with Chronic Clusters, neurologists diagnosis 13 years ago. After the first few years of hell finally got Sumatriptan Injections to stop attacks. Tried Indomethacin but no joy, tried verapamil no joy apart from lowering my Resting Heartrate to 38 and Max HR 80 so doing anything was a chore. Had Occipital Nerve Block ( 2 injections in the Trigeminal Nerve area in base of skull at the left rear of head) first treatment last 2 years with no attacks, second treatment lasted one year no attacks. I have my 3rd block booked for 14th August 23 a six month wait this time ( Im in UK and The conservative party have fucked up pretty much our NHS, National Health Service and the rest of UK in 13 years rule) sorry wee rant there. In last 6 months attacks have gradually got worse and last 3 weeks or so been horrendous. Doctors wont give too many Sumatriptan injections so I had stock piled a few over the period of no headaches. Tried verapamil again no joy so asked if I can take Indomethacin with the verapamil and it worked instantly, so no attacks in nearly 3 days which has been amazing. I will reduce these tablets once had next Nerve block and hopefully get back to training etc. Im also getting Oxygen hopefully at home for future and trying a Busting kit for future use as never used mushrooms before. Hope this helps someone in their journey.
  3. I've had Chronic Paroxmal Hemicrania with Chronic Clusters, neurologists diagnosis 13 years ago. After the first few years of hell finally got Sumatriptan Injections to stop attacks. Tried Indomethacin but no joy, tried verapamil no joy apart from lowering my Resting Heartrate to 38 and Max HR 80 so doing anything was a chore. Had Occipital Nerve Block ( 2 injections in the Trigeminal Nerve area in base of skull at the left rear of head) first treatment last 2 years with no attacks, second treatment lasted one year no attacks. I have my 3rd block booked for 14th August 23 a six month wait this time ( Im in UK and The conservative party have fucked up pretty much our NHS, National Health Service and the rest of UK in 13 years rule) sorry wee rant there. In last 6 months attacks have gradually got worse and last 3 weeks or so been horrendous. Doctors wont give too many Sumatriptan injections so I had stock piled a few over the period of no headaches. Tried verapamil again no joy so asked if I can take Indomethacin with the verapamil and it worked instantly, so no attacks in nearly 3 days which has been amazing. I will reduce these tablets once had next Nerve block and hopefully get back to training etc. Im also getting Oxygen hopefully at home for future and trying a Busting kit for future use as never used mushrooms before. Hope this helps someone in their journey.
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