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  1. Hello Batch. I have a question. I started the D3 regimen this morning. Very shortly after taking my first dose I began feeling very bad. It was like a tingling and flushed feeling over my entire body. I also got very nauseous. The directions for the regimen has a ton of information but to me it’s very confusing. I would like to know when and how to take each pill and the liquid D3. Should it be morning or night, empty or full stomach. I also take other medications such as metformin, a beta blocker and blood pressure medication. 
    it would be nice to have a very simple and clean description of this regimen without all of the skipping around and all of the other information. Something step by step.

    thank you so much for any help 

    1. Poppi57


      I ended up reading some of the other post and comments. I think I have all my answers other than one.

      In your video interview you mentioned vitamin C. I take a vitamin C pill every day. Is that good enough?

  2. I just took my first dose of the d3 regime. Shortly after taking it I began to feel very weird. Nausea and tingling over my whole body. Is this normal. Sort of scary. Can you explain how and when to take everything. Like should it be on an empty stomach, morning or night etc. Thanks 

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    2. Poppi57


      Ok thanks . How do I find Batch on here. I’m not very good at navigating these forums.

    3. CHfather



      You can write a private message to him.  Click on the blue envelope icon at the top right of the page, and put xxx in the "To" line.

    4. Poppi57


      Ok thanks 

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