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Health insurance suggestions?


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Hello Everyone,

I recently turned 26 and am short of options for health insurance. I wanted to ask if anyone had recommendations for good plans that covered the following medications. Or, if anyone knew of good deals or ways to get these medications for cheap.

Thanks to all.

180 mg Verapamil 4x a day

Sumatriptan succinate injections ~ 10 per month

Emgality 3 injections 1x a month


- Max

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In my experience, Imitrex is cheaper using goodrx.com than with insurance.  Not "for cheap" by a longshot, but less.  Don't know about the others.

I also think there are other places like goodrx.

Are you splitting those injections?  https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/2446-extending-imitrex/

Do you feel like the Emgality is helping?

Do you know about the vitamin D3 regimen?  It can possibly replace your verapamil.  https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/1308-d3-regimen/

While I'm at it . . . Do you have oxygen?

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