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  • 2 weeks later...

You can visit or google websites to order from. Make sure they are from a reputable spore company. You won't get seeds you will get either spore syringes or you can get spore prints. For a first timer myself i have found that syringes are your best friend. especially getting into at first. It can actually be pretty hard to grow them but well worth it. Study Study and study this stuff. I thought it would be so easy but man it is pretty hard to do.

hawks eye is a pretty reputable place to order from. You need to watch the videos as well. At least 3 or 4 times. Then get online and order your spores, start off with something easy to grow - a good one to start with is called B++ it is hardy and tolerant for new beginners. After you have ordered them , then go out and get your supplies. You will need the following:

A glove box that you can make yourself. This is for clean work area. Everything you do has to be heavily STERILIZED. Then go to loses or somewhere and grab 12 pack of mason jars, get the kind that are 1/2 pint and short stocky jars with no lip on the inside of it. Grab some lysol, a lighter, micro spore tape, foil, a pressure cooker (or you can use a big pot to boil in ), a drill and drill bit for the syringe needle to fit into. Then you will need a few tubs with lids, get clear. Get 2 tubs to start with. They are cheap, then grab some perlite, and also you need a bag of vermiculite. Also go to a health store and get about 2 pounds of ground up fine brown rice flour. Get a fine misting spray bottle too. This is all you should have to get and you can get all this for under 75 bucks. If i see the jars (seasonal most of the time in stores) i will grab a few extra cases of them plus lids. I don't ever re-use the lids I can those but I sterilize and wash the jars and re-sue those.

The hawks eye you can google and order from them. You can also go to mycotopia.net and order from them as well. All is good to go as long as you don't live in the (I think it is just 3 states) that don't allow spores to be shipped there, one of them is my state california and I think Idaho and Texas dare banned, not sure. They will list it on their website where that can and can't ship to, make sure you know this as some places will keep your money even though they can't ship to you. if you need anymore help let me know.

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