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medication and blood thinners


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i was diagnosed with A-fFib in last October, had all the tests done and a chemical stress test but 1 week after the stress test i started having severe headaches in both my temples and it spread to my forehead and now my right eye area with nasial drainage but no drooping eyelid of bloodshot eyes. they said it is cluster headaches but now I'm on blood thinners and the price of that alone limits options on what i can afford do to help with pain. I'm thinking of  trying the D3 and oxygen route if you have any options on a budget friendly treatments please let me know

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Sorry to hear this but you should do a little more investigating. What things do you notice about your headaches? Same time every day? Same location? Anything trigger them like smells, foods or drink? Alcohol is a big trigger for most, can you drink a beer and not have your headache set in? What are you currently doing that successfully relives the pain your having? What type of doctor told you this and have you had a second opinion? If you do have Clusters the D3 and Oxygen are a great start to battling this and I would get on both as soon as you can! Poke around the site and ask as many questions as you have. Use the search bar at the top of the screen and if yo can think of it someone here has probably tried it and talked about it. 

We are a good group of head bangers here and willing to help out, as a group or in some cases one on one, anyone who is trying to help themselves

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