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Away for year need help on mushroom how to


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Sorry I've been away for a year but grateful he felt better.

So they are back we have mushrooms but I can't remember the cleansing methods before he starts.

Kip6 last night short went away with simitriptan (sp) but I thought there was something about not using those or it wouldn't work.

We've had A LOT going on recently & were in the ER last night because he couldn't breath. EKG & standard heart test said fine. Came home & he fell asleep & woke up to his first cluster of the season.

FYI - he is still having a hard time breathing! We've tried ice heat massage. ???

I don't want a season like last year!!!!!! I'm sure you all feel that way everyday. I want this damn problem to get a cure!!!!! It's worse than cancer!

No one quite understands clusters where we live. They say migraines & I correct them every time.

We live in a very horrible allergy zone. His clusters seems to be seasonal I think, could it have anything to do with seasons & allergies & if so how do you correct it. 

I know all cases are different but with ours could allergies have anything to do with his problem. He says no & to drop it. He doesn't even want to talk about it thinking if he does it allows the cycle to happen.

Biggest question is mushroom how to & what do I do to convince him to come to the upcoming meeting? He needs to know others completely understand.

Any post or help would be again greatly appreciated!

Thank you all for being on this site I'm just sorry it was necessary because as a spouse or anyone caring for a cluster sufferer it changes your life & perspective!

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I would do the M ASAP. Yes, the Imitrex can block busting, usually requiring a 5 day detox period. Usually this is handled with oxygen and energy drinks. I noticed in your last post you had gotten the script for O2... you got that up and running at the right lpm with the right mask? How's it working?

As far as the seasonal/allergy thing... that is a common thought because episodic clusters can be so damn regular. I believe it has more to do with the hypothalamus (our internal clock). Allergies may make CH more miserable... but not a cause, I would drop it.

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Thanks for the post. I don't think our oxygen is up where it needs to be. I am checking on it tomorrow.

That is what I thought on the damn shots! I was asleep so didn't know I had started. 

So should we wait five days till we try the m's & treat with o2 & energy drinks?

Yes I will drop the allergy thing. Just trying to understand.

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I think it is important to know how to handle things without medicines that interfere with busting. I am not so concerned with the 5 day wait, after just one shot... I am more concerned about what you will be doing between doses. The general plan is 3 doses 5 days apart. If you can't keep away from the trex for the 20 days after starting, you may never know what could have been. Success may be had by not following the protocol (many here have bent the "rules" and succeeded)... but if it doesn't work, just means you gotta do it again to be sure.

From a different angle... dosing can be done BEFORE going into cycle. Take a dose a month before they are due to start, and a couple more at the first sign of trouble. That doesn't mean wait till next cycle! I would rather see someone screw up an attempt that has a chance of success, than blow off the attempt completely. Just remember this for next time.

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As far as getting him to the conference... and on this board.

A seasonal riddle:

There is a village in Africa where every year a lion shows up and drags one of them off for lunch. There was no help from the authorities, they simply did not have the money to go after the lion. After a few years the villagers got wise and started figuring out how to build brick houses and put up fences. All except one. Discouraged by the bleak situation, he chose to ignore the other villagers, and instead enjoyed himself walking barefoot through the tall grasses vowing never to ruin his day by thinking and worrying about a lion he can't kill.

So, who do you think will get eaten this year?

The lion is still out there! Band together with the villagers and learn how to build brick houses and put up fences. Then when the lion shows up you can sit on the other side of the fence and flip him the bird!

Edit: I mean no disrespect. In 2007 I was that guy... in 2010 it almost cost me my life.

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