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Food and Drug Administration approves APD-356

This is a landmark step towards sensible US drug policy. Since the Nixon Administration passed the Controlled Substance Act passed in 1970, nearly all psychedelic-style drugs have been automatically classified as Schedule I, which means absolute prohibition with no recognized medical potential.  (LSA presents an exception as a Schedule III drug)

This marks the first time that the DEA has acknowledged the medical benefits of a 5-HT2A agonist with seemingly psychedelic effects at high doses.


A new precedent has been set in American drug policy. We are finally breaking free from the traditional rhetoric that classes all 5-HT2A agonists as poisons, and taking an evidence-based approach to drug policy. Imagine, evaluating drugs based on their effects and safety profile rather than political pressure! Perhaps this decision marks the beginning of a new, ongoing commitment to rational drug policy.


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I agree that it is a step in the right direction for US drug policy.  Of course the elephant in the room is that dietary drugs are BIG BUCKS for big pharma. 

That is why it is so vital that all primary headache sufferers join together in lobbying for congressional support.  The larger the target group, the better chance it has of attracting the $$ of big pharma.

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