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Clusterbuster Advocate on HuffLive 12-5-13


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Listen in Live tomorrow!

We have an ebook author who will be speaking live on HuffLive with journalist Nancy Redd tomorrow between 4-5pm CDT.  Her pen name is JP Summers and her most recent book is title "The Storms That Fated Us".  She's giving 100% of the proceeds from the sales of her book to 5 different headache organizations and Clusterbusters is one of them! Here's the link



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Some last minute (good) changes have been made! The producers of the HuffPost have moved the date of the interview with JP Summers to Monday 12/9/13 from 4-5pm CDT to add a whole panel of migraine/cluster patients to the show! This could be huge??? Could be famous folks??? Could be wonderful!!!!! So please make the changes on your calendar and tune in MONDAY

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