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Just wanted to say hello and that I signed up after experiencing my second CH in the last week and finally googling why my head had been exploding for the last few years.  I'm fortunate that it doesn't seem to be too bad, but I'm even more thankful I found this place. 

btw, what's weird is, last year, I took shrooms for fun for the first time and didn't suffer an attack.  Now after reading this fine board, I can see why I was spared.  Thanks for all the interesting reading.

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btw, what's weird is, last year, I took shrooms for fun for the first time and didn't suffer an attack. 

Hello leaper,

Many on this forum have learnt to read the warning signs of an oncoming CH cycle.

This allows us to dose before the cycle gets a hold.

Prevention is better than the cure, as they say.

Welcome to the future of CH medication my friend.


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Now that you've seen the light, it's easier to see how to get to where you need to be. Keep up the treatments and you'll have more PF time. Feel free to throw any questions you might have out here. Believe me, we have been exactly where you are. It's amazing how a little mushroom can stop the worst pain in the world. Doesn't the good lord work in mysterious ways?


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btw, what's weird is, last year, I took shrooms for fun for the first time and didn't suffer an attack. 

Hello leaper,

Many on this forum have learnt to read the warning signs of an oncoming CH cycle.

This allows us to dose before the cycle gets a hold.

Prevention is better than the cure, as they say.

Welcome to the future of CH medication my friend.


Thanks so much Carl. I did some reading on Erowid before I took the shrooms (just to be sure I was ready for it, I've never done anything harder than that, I just stick with my medical MJ).  and I noticed that they mentioned something about cluster headaches, but at the time didn't know what it was, or even what I was experiencing at the time.  Now I know, and now I know why I was pain free all last summer. 

Now that you've seen the light, it's easier to see how to get to where you need to be. Keep up the treatments and you'll have more PF time. Feel free to throw any questions you might have out here. Believe me, we have been exactly where you are. It's amazing how a little mushroom can stop the worst pain in the world. Doesn't the good lord work in mysterious ways?


lol, that's true, I'm very grateful for His guidance and assistance that's for sure... now all I need is for the good Lord to hook me up with a connection!  :P 

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Yeah, unfortunately I live in California which has great Medical Marijuana laws, but terrible shroom laws, so I don't think I'll be able to go that route.  Hopefully after we legalize it in November, we can start bringing attention to other natural forms of medicine!!  :)

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