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uk sufferer here had ch for 15 years now, luckily periodic atm.bouts usually about 18 months apart and manage with 02 and imigran injections.

one thing that is slightly unique about me is that i have a false eye on the side i get ch. i still get massive pain in the eye are but dont know if its the same as if i had an eye or not it sure waters and gets hot as.

ive been lurking on here for a few years to be honest and really want to try busting and have stopped cos it seems quite hard to get a all in one ready done grow kit.i know you can get spores but dont think i have the patience to do it properly.

do any uk sufferers know if you can buy from holland and them arrive in uk safely im thinking of getting one of those instant grow bags nice and easy.

thanks for reading all the best

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