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Debt of gratitude


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Hey y'all,

I just wanted to take a minute to express my deep appreciation for every single one of you.  I am still a Noob on this site but in the short time I have been reading and talking with all of you the change in my life, my outlook on my life, the life of my family has been nothing short of a miracle.  Talking with y'all has made me so much more open about this condition, when before I would hide and suffer alone accepting help or support from no one.  And I do not exaggerate when I say that this site saved my life.  I actually look to the future now with hope instead of dread, even when I am in the throws of an attack.  It is my hope that someday , somehow I can do something for another CHer that in some minuscule way repays a little of my karmic debt, but in the meantime, I hold each and every one of you dear to my heart, and send wishes of pain free days, weeks, and dare I say...years.  CHFather, you are one of the most unselfish special people on this planet, I hope that you and your daughter both receive all the wonderful things in this life that you deserve.

OK sorry for all the mush mush, I just wanted to make sure all of you know this.  Thanks for giving me my life back.  Love you guys! ;)

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Ahhhh.... shucks.

I agree with you, this site and the amazing people here also saved my life. I've probably said it before a few times, but I was actually putting a date in my calendar when I was going to end it all (Yes, I'm that anal sometimes). But I came here, found the answers, and am still residing on planet Earth.



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