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My story /bee stings?


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Hello a 33 year old chronic sufferer the last 2 1/2 years I get 5-9 attacks a day( before that I was episodic for about 10 years having three bad cycles a year )I have tried 22 medications even the ones that there are only a few case reports for like clomiphene Have tried 15l/ o2 none of these things provided me significant relief none of these things provided me significant relieve some of the side effects were really difficult but I tried tobusting ( which is the only thing I've experienced that is able to abort a headache and I do bust when I can get medicine )and so many things recommended on these boards have been to several neurologists all over and my husband is a M.D. And has really helped me wade through all sorts of options this is such a struggle and it's so hard to keep going sometimes when the pain just never seems to remit or change I get 8-10s in the middle of the night

Reading the fourms has been so helpful and has given me so much hope I am eternally grateful for all of those that post I was wondering if anybody has tried bee stings ??? And if so how did it affect you and how did you do it ?was reading about it I'm willing to try anything I try to try something new every week even if it's some weird anecdotal thing I have looking into getting a SPG stimulator and the Lilly study I'm also going to try D3 regimen

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I've got nothing on bee stings.

But (1) Please do try the D3 regimen, following it to the letter (https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/1308-d3-regimen/); and (2) There are plenty of folks for whom 15 lpm oxygen didn't work but a higher flow, 25 lpm or more, does work, particularly when the good mask, the ClusterO2 Kit, is also used and effective breathing strategies are applied. I'm asking you to very seriously consider trying oxygen again with those improvements.  If you need information about getting the equipment, let us know.


I'm interested in know how you use busting to abort attacks.  There was a time when that was understood to be an effective abortive, but most folks here now use it to stop their cycles or put them into remission if they're chronic. I wonder whether you have tried that, which I'm assuming might involve larger doses than used for aborting.

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Thank you for the response and the link I will follow it to the letter also will try 25 Lpm with the suggested improvements and strategys I use the sput method to abort and usually time it so that I can skip my 11 PM hit which is one of the worst I have use larger doses in the past but I'm willing to try again I didn't have any success putting myself into remission I have been doing this because I do not have much medicine on hand but will try with larger doses when can

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