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Busting- to eat or not to eat before

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No worries. I always wait too long before I post a question.  I ate a couple of graham crackers and some popcorn...maybe to the healthiest.  I didn’t get sick this time as I only drank the liquid after straining the seeds.  I felt good for a few hours..  didn’t have my evening clusters BUT I had my usual 4 at night.  


A friend who who works at the VA  counseling vets with PTSD as. Well as pain management mentioned a therapy that helps them in all different problems including pain..  it’s called EMDR.. or tapping.  Anyway he said it can help in different ways like the anxiety that comes between hits or cycles.  I also tried it some during last nights clusters and it seemed to help distract from the most intense part of the hits...  Have you heard of tapping?  It is interesting.


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gods', I am familiar with EMDR. It has been very helpful for me related to trauma and stress (remember -- I don't have CH (my daughter does), so I can't say about helping with CH specifically).  As I understand it, tapping can be a form of EMDR.  I tried briefly to find a simple article or youtube video about how to do EMDR and/or tapping, for anyone here who might be interested, but I didn't find anything quickly.  I am sure there are many things out there, so anyone interested should probably do a little searching.

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