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I went to the ER yesterday and found out I'm suffering from Cluster Headache. I did even know what they were or existed. So I've been trying to read through some post's on this what seems like a great group chat form. And well I completely have no clue about any of this so any feed back would be greatly appreciated!

What do energy drinks do for headaches?, What's the D3 do the then as well, what's a cycle,  o2 it all is overwhelming. Oh and what can I do for the lingering headache that I've had for the last 7 weeks Thanx to any that respond.

Hope all are feeling ok today. Cheers


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I would go find a good headache specialist to confirm you have cluster headaches. Clusters do not normally linger for days at a time, they come on in a instant and it is the same time of day every day. They can last a few months or Chronic (all year round).  they go from zero to full blast in 5 to 10 minutes if untreated. Oxygen is used to abort the cluster and is taken at a high flow rate with a non rebreather mask to eliminate all outside air. 25lps regulator and the cluster mask are key to getting the oxygen to work. 5hr or other energy drinks are used to help slow down the attack so you can get to your oxygen tank and can some times abort the clusters. The D3 regimen is a few over the counter vitamins to get your vitamin d levels up into a normal range.

Search around the site for a day or so and read up an as much as you can and ask questions as needed. This place is full of people willing to help you out.   

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