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Psychedelics in the 1950s


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History of the Psychedelic Rediscoverd  at drugs library org

The Door in the Wall - Part II

Psychedelics in the 1950s.

An excerpt from –

Storming Heaven: LSD and the American Dream by Jay Stevens.

Harper & Row Publishers,


Quote (from near to the end of this excerpt) -

“Anecdotes started to rise to the surface, slicing through the murky analytical jargon. A number of therapists talked about the serendipitous side effects that they sometimes saw in their patients. They would be in the middle of a post session interview, perhaps two or three weeks after the original LSD session, and the patient would suddenly say, "Oh and the headache is gone too." What headache? they'd ask. Why the headache I've had for ten or fifteen years, would be the answer.”


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