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I’m a brand new sufferer


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Hello fellow sufferers, I have had the Most sever headaches every for the past three nights. From behind my right eye along the right hand side of my head to behind my right ear, the pain occasionally goes in to the back of my jaw giving me toothache. It is the worst thing I’ve ever experienced and I already have some knowledge of cluster head aches as my step brother is a long term sufferer. 

I am self diagnosing and I know you probably frown upon that but I am 99% certain that it is cluster headaches I’m suffering with.

i have just ordered a phsylocybin kit to treat myself if this episode continues, but is there any advice or input any one may feel valuable or necessary for me.


i appreciate all the advice as I am sure you have dealt with this horrific issue longer than Myself.

thanks in advance x



Edited by F*ckithurts
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This is a place to start, both in terms of knowing your options and with some things you can do while you get properly set up (oxygen, D3 regimen, . . .)  https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/6213-basic-non-busting-information/

Make your next post on one of the closed boards (Share Your Busting Stories, for example) and you'll get more advice.

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As an addendum to my first post, last night I took 2 cocodamal 2 paracetamol and a Valium and still never managed to get a wink of sleep.

i have started a course of champix which is a prescription medicine to stop smoking 8 days ago and today I went to the hospital and they think the headaches could be a side effect from the champix. I’m going to stop taking them for a few days and see if the problem subsides.

fingers crossed it is just a side effect from the tablets. Just thought this additional information may be helpful for anyone else

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