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Headache on the Hill


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This year's Headache on the Hill event that is put on by AHDA (Alliance for Headache Disorders Advocacy) is being held in March (22-23) and will be virtual like everything else these days. The deadline for registering is coming up this Friday.

There is a $50.00 registration fee this year due to the high costs of the company organizing the complicated process of scheduling hundreds of meetings with Senate and House offices. Anyone from the cluster community will have their registration fees covered by Clusterbusters upon request.

If you live in any of these states, we really need you. You're welcome and wanted from any of the 50 states but really need help filling the rest of the states. We hope to have an answer from CMS regarding the oxygen issue by February. If we get a positive response, we'll be able to thank all the representatives that helped us achieve this milestone. If we get another no, we'll be able to voice our displeasure at our mistreatment. We will also be bringing new demands for improved treatment of people  with headache disorders.

  • States with 0 applicants: AK, AR, SD, WY
  • States with only 1 applicant: ID, KS, KY, ME, MO, MT, NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, RI, WV

    This is the application:

    Application for the 2021, 14th Annual Headache on the Hill (google.com)

    I hope everyone in our community is doing ok. These are difficult times for everyone. If you need some support, please reach out. We all love and respect our community and fellow clusterheads. Soon we will all be able to get together again in person and show the strength of our community holding each other and getting through life together.

    Bob Wold
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