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web site help - link page


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I need a favor.

The web site clusterbusters.com link section has not been completed.  The links from the old site need to be copied to a new page, edited and verified they are still live.

More links need to be added. 

(later I'll make a post on this board asking for more links, for now I want to get something up.

Web site skills are not necessary for this task, it's mainly cut and paste stuff. 

This is one of those jobs best done by one person, it will take several hours but can be done over many days.

If you have some time available and want to help out, please send me a PM or email. 



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I've had several emails about this, thank you all for offering to help out.

CHFather was first to contact me with his offer and I know he'll do a great job.

You folks are all so wonderful and helpful.

We could not to do all this without all of you helping out, whether in tasks like this or your daily posts that support and encourage everyone else.

To all of you, thank you.


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  • 4 weeks later...


CHFather has done a remarkable job on the links page.

Thanks for all your work on this Jerry.

The new section should be up shortly on the home site.

I'll post when it is, please let me know of others we might consider adding later.


PS: and thanks to all the others that offered to help, there were many offers which we truly appreciate, but this was one of those jobs best done my one person.   Thanks again to everyone

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