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Cluster Headaches and Viral Meningitis


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I've been a sufferer of CH for about 10 years now, and one of the symptoms I've become familiar with is the strange neck stiffness that often comes with it.

This week I got what was very likely a case of viral meningitis. In summary, its when a virus passes through the blood-brain barrier and causes a swelling of the meninges, the layer surrounding the brain. I'm fine now, don't worry.

CH always gave me this deep boring headache, whereas this virus caused a weird headache that seemed to surround my head.

Anyway on to the point . . . it gave me the exact same type of neck stiffness! So doing research on meningitis, it turns out the Limbic system is affected and that causes the neck stiffness. Perhaps meningitis and CH share some of the same biological pathways?

Maybe this information will be useful for someone researching CH, so I decided to share.

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