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Aeroplane flights


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Hi everyone.  I have a question for anyone who may be able to help with this one.  We are going to be flying in three weeks on a long haul flight.  We have started busting, only had twice.  Still taking too low a dose, ramping it up tomorrow.  Anyway, I'm thinking maybe a good idea would be to be knocked out for most of the flight.  Thinking 1 Xanax tablet or Valium.  :D That with Aspro Clear.  Any ideas? Am I even on the right track?  Look forward to talking to you all. 

Narelle  :)

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Are you considering using Xanax or Valium to help in the way that Dramamine would?  Or are you thinking more along the lines of using one of these drugs to keep the CH down?

If it is the latter, I would suggest that you use mushies (if you have them) either as a SPUT (small piece under tongue) or take a quarter to half gram just before going through security.  That small amount should not be enough to 'trip', but hopefully would be enough to ward the CH off through the trip.  I have successfully done this to avoid hits during a flight.


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Hi Narelle.  3 weeks gives you time to bust your cycle perhaps.

Now on to flying in general.  There are good discussions on the sister website about flying.  Some people get triggered by flying and some don't.  I was a professional pilot for 16 years and flying commercial jets or military jets did not trigger any attacks (flight attendant perfume was a different story).  So I wouldn't put it in the same category as alcohol as far as a universal trigger for most of us.

If you have had multiple experiences of flying triggering then of course get your arsenal ready.  SMUT might be OK but careful with security etc.  I would be tempted to load on caffeine and keep some redbull shots or caffeine pills in my carry-on bag. 

Good luck! ;)

--The Shaggy

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