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Posts posted by blueballs

  1. Dale Ernhart used to sell that stuff...I have both med and welding 02. Same stuff, different bottle.  Optimask in every room. Central 02 , I just keep the tank full outside.  Then there is another rig in the shop, car......finally there is the concentrator for the cpap......02 is my savior.

  2. You need a letter of medical nessesity from your doc for the 02. Give it to your insurance and they will pay....25 lpm is not overkill when trying to stomp out an attack that is already fully involved. You want to induce hyperoxia..or hyperventilate on 02.....cant do that with 15 lpm...just my experience. I go 5 ft 3 inches at150 lbs...when its a kip8 or better I huff 40lpm. Overkill?.....I disagree.

  3. Never use opiates on a regular basis. Lots of variables involved, dosage, length of use, da, da, da. Didnt kill me, shrooms took over , didnt feel a thing. That was a anxiety experiment. Now that I reflect on that I wasnt as jittery.

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