Thank you all, I know I'm grasping at straws here. My problem is this... I am a single mom, I make too much money to get assistance from the government, but not enough to have insurance or savings. I was not prepared for this ch attack, when it hit I went to my gp, paid cash, requested oxygen and was told he can't do that. He gave me the rx for imitrex. I have been using the tip from the other board so I get six shots from each box, sometimes I try to stretch it to eight. I get between four and seven severe clusters in 24 hours so it doesn't last long, about two days when I stretch it. If I don't take it I am up all night, exhausted all day from not sleeping and trying so hard to fight the beast. So every extra dollar I have goes to the rx. I called around today to the local Drs listed earlier, I would need to wait for an appointment and an office visit is $180 and up. As long as I'm buying the imitrex there's Jo way I can afford the Dr. I just feel trapped. I have had this a long time (18 years), I went undiagnosed for many years. I just don't have it in me to fight anymore. My attacks are more frequent, always kip 8-10, except the shadows. I am drained from it. This is why I feel like I need something now, I have lost faith in Drs, this page has helped me more than any Dr could. I found a welding supply that rents tanks very low, the start up cost will only be around $200 and the about $45 a month with refills. I will be able to get that Tuesday, I was just hoping for something sooner. I will end my search for used tanks. Thank you, that's why I consulted with the experts before I made a move. I hope that explains why I am struggling and unable to get the rx. And thank you Jeff, I will consult with you.