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Everything posted by eswart

  1. Hey everybody, let's celebrate! Hoping i had been attentive enough during the 1st Annual UK/European Patient Conference, i remeber that exactly today is the day of the 25th anniversary of Flash's first post on a clusterheadache messageboard. A moment in time that somehow was the foundation of all help, sharing and resesearch in this awesome community. Thank you Flash, Bob, PinkShark Mark - and everybody who was and is involved and engaged. You couldn't have done any better!
  2. Dear friends, thanks a freakin lot for the overwhelming and cheerful days at the Glasgow conference: Ainslie & board, speakers, volunteers and everybody joining: it has been my very first one and i'm still riding the waves of cordiality, joy, information and togetherness that we have been sharing. Thank you so much for this extraordinary experience, for including me so heartily and for spontaneously making me the conference photographer Not naming anybody here - my love goes out to all of you as i share some of the images below. I was not prepared equipmentwise, tried to make the best out of it and i am now done with processing them. Don't worry about your memories: the lighting atmosphere of the pictures is quite a bit colder and lighter than it has been at VOCO conference rooms. But the original massively yellow hue and the poor colour rendition of the lighting finally led to rendering all a bit more neutral. Hope y'all can find and enjoy yourselves on the pictures. Here's a link for downloading and saving all the images in a better resolution (1920p, 300dpi). Also please let me know if you don't want to appear here. Love and some more big hugs from Berlin !
  3. Graceful Vitamin M

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