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  1. bigfoot


    I was at tractor supply yesterday and seen a small cutting torch set and was wondering if i could get a mask and reg. for it perfect size for my vagabond lifestyle.Looks handy when im not in a cycle
  2. bigfoot


    wet washcloth on my eye,It helps me,i think never had anything else never knew there anything to abort them.Doc said nothing he could do.I think he thinks i just want drugs.Must have been the grattful dead t shirt.learned alot from this site.Declaring war on this beast,taking no prissoners....know my speeling sucks head all fuzzy
  3. My jaw hurts when i comming up on a cycle,shadows next
  4. bigfoot


    No meds,no o2 just wet washcloth and aircondition.Getting 02 payday.
  5. bigfoot


    Still here 2 days in a bad one 5 or 6 10 kip a day been lasting 2 hours at a time no sleep you all know the routine.Thay never last 2 hours before.Normaly 1 hour tops.My damn hair hurts LOL.Called off work today wore out,piss on them,they call me bigfoot not cause i got big feet im just hairy like bigfoot.I wish i had big feet and all the benifits that go with them :
  6. Maybe im hitting my peak.Who knows.I sure could use a beer.LOL
  7. Doese tomato sauce act as a trigger for anybody else?Had spagetti last night and damn on 2nd bag of ice
  8. Im so glad to find you guys.Ive had these things all my life and thought i was alone.when i found this site i cried.every body her been so helpful and supportive.ive learned so much here.Thanks for being here
  9. bigfoot


    Do i need :-[ a scrip to get o2? I have no health insurance and im just a poor carpenter
  10. bigfoot


    Hey guys,what are them rc seeds everyone is talking aboult.Willing to try anything to get my life back
  11. bigfoot


    Thanx all.I think the redbull helped slept for 3 hours first time in weeks.o2 out of the?smoke to much Iknow its a trigger but cant stop.havnt had a spell like this in years.Boss said i look like shit get off the drugs.I tried to explain but he not buying it. he said he gets migrains all the time to suck it up.what an a$$hole.got to go ill keep reading your post trying to learn
  12. bigfoot


    i"m so glad to find this site.I had these things all my life.When i was in 4th grade the doc said i had infected tonsils in12th they said it was my teeth.So now i set up at 3am with no teeth and still have these things.Im glad or not that sombody understands what kind of pain im in.sorry for the grammer but im writting with one eye.I read on your site aboult redbull went out to buy a case.if that dont work thers always a bullet 40 years is anoff of this shit
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