Hi all,
I usually post on the CH.com board, but figured it can't hurt to post here too.I Had 2yrs PF end on 12/25, and it was a mild 3 week cycle. About 2 weeks after it ended, another cycle started and is still going on. In 20 years, I can't remember this happening. The only changes for me were that I used Imatrex twice this time, and I didn't bust with shrooms(which I've been doing for 10+ years). Also right after the first cycle ended, I lost my Dad. I'm not sure if grief has any bearing on CHs.Also, I take Batch's D3 regime, but my last Vitamin D3 25-OH test came back at 184.5 ng/mL. I'm not sure if I should continue with the regime. Can't get into see the Nureo for a few weeks, and I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks