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Stump BeefKnob

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Posts posted by Stump BeefKnob

  1. Registered over there now as TXMMAFAN. By the way and forgive but I have to ask this so as not to ruin my fun, but I don't suppose you work for the UFC in any way do you, or Strikeforce or any company that does pay per views fights? :-?

    No, how come? We are just a bunch of MMA fans who don't like dealing with the idiots over at Sherdog. Most of us got banned from there years ago.  ;D As long as you have thick skin, you will be fine. I'll get you multimedia access if you want it when I get home tonight

    BTW, you aren't in any way affiliated with Truth Fightwear are you? www.txmma.com ? I got all of my fight gear there

  2. But one thing that always bugged me about Chael is when he fought Paulo Filho in WEC and he tapped when got caught in an arm bar and then tried to say he didnt. They replayed it over and over and you can clearly see he tapped. I don't know, I just think that's under handed. Kind of like when Ken Shamrock fought Royce Gracie. It's like, you know you tapped, don't be a little bitch about it. They got it on tape if you want to argue about it, not that you should, LIAR!

    I agree with that. It was cheap, but what do you expect? He is a politician!

  3. I am praying for Chael to beat Silva's ass, just because I am so pissed about the last few Silva fights. Plus I am an Oregon boy, so I am biased towards Team Quest guys. Chael actually cornered one of my buddies in his first MMA fight about 10 years ago.

    As much as I like Chael, Silva will most likely win this one like he always does. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of Silva, but he needs to pay dearly for his past couple of performancess

  4. I'm 31 (almost 32), but at my age Aerts was already an incredible fighter, whereas I am....what is the opposite of an incredible fighter?  ;D

    I definitely prefer MMA over K-1, if that is what you are asking. In my opinion, NOTHING beats MMA. It is the greatest, and most pure sport of all time

  5. I have noticed that it was mostly the times when the CH was brought on by over-exertion during a cycle, like when I would go do MMA training or compete in jiu-jitsu matches

    You've been on Fight club?


    No, not yet. I am not a good fighter, yet for some reason I really want to get in the cage sometime. I'd better get going, because I am not getting any younger! :)

  6. Damn, got me there. But did mention I surround sound?  ;D No, seriously, congrats on the sword. How are your headaches though? Are you currently in a cycle?

    Nope, I have been virtually pain free since I started dosing with HBWR seeds about 3 months ago. I am so grateful for this website and all of the invaluable information I have gotten on here! I am most definitely a believer now

  7. Haha, I suck. You must  be using "practitioner" in the loosest sense of the word. I actually had to rig the brackets so that I could face him in the first round. I knew I would lose, but wanted to say I went against him. He had me in a tight choke where he was pressing his shoulder against my trachea and several times I started to fade out, but was able to move just enough to let some blood get my brain. I actually started to black out probably 4-5 times. I think he was just toying with me. Despite how it looked, I don't think anything I did could have been construed as "offense"

    I haven't been training lately (more like almost a year), but I am looking forward to getting back in the gym hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

    Regardless, I appreciate the congrats! You give me way too much credit though!  ;D

  8. hello to all of you !! i am new to the group cluster victim for more than 14 years i have tried every farmaceutical possible the only efficient one is imitrex but i am more than sure that in the long run it worsens the problem so i have become a continuous cluster sufferer 12 months a year an average of 8 times a week:( i am now considering the use of mushrooms but have no idea of how to grow them because here wherei live in Italy i cannot find the equipment and don't have knowhow ,can someone help me withthat pleeeaasseee:))


    3.2.1 Recommended techniques and links

    Here is the BEST tek:

    Simple Cubensis Growing Technique

    and another with great pics:

    Fungifun's PF-Tek For Simple Minds

    For the experienced grower, here is an excellent casing tek

    http://www.shroomery.org/index/par/23536 Another Technique:

    A simplified process involves ordering the substrate mix, in a pre-measured and pre-mixed bag and innoculating this bag. The mushrooms grow inside the bag.

    For additional information and growing details using this method, including supplier links, see ;

    MYCOBAG INFO (mushrooms)

    MYCOBAG INFO (philosphers stones)

  9. like when I would go do MMA training or compete in jiu-jitsu matches 

    Big UFC fan here. That's something I've always wanted to try but never did, mma training that is. Did a little boxing when I was in my teens but then the gym I went to shut down and I never went further with it. I had read that the exercise might actually help with clusters because of oxygen to the blood and things like that. But then again, I've also read about the over exertion as well. Good luck in your future matches!

    Here is me competing against 6x UFC veteran Drew Fickett last year

    Fickett has MMA wins over current UFC contenders Josh Koscheck, Kenny Florian, and Kurt Pellegrino

    I had only been grappling for a year and he only beat me by 2 points from the takedown! Although I did go nearly unconscious on several occasions from a choke he had me in

  10. I hate to be so blunt but with so many wonderful people out that are willing to answer questions, perhaps you could answer this one as well. For as long as I have had cluster headaches, they have never made me nauseous until this recent cycle. Now, I am beginning to vomit with some of the headaches. Never did before. And it's not with every headache, but I would say about every 3rd headache. I know it's not migraines, because I've had clusters since I was 15 and I'm 32 now. No sensitivity to light, my pain is unilateral, stuffy nose, rocking back and forth, yada yada. Anyways, back to my original question. Is the vomiting normal or is that something I should have checked out? 

    I have had the same thing happen to me before. There have been a few cycles that I have had N/V, but 90% of them have been without any nausea. I have noticed that it was mostly the times when the CH was brought on by over-exertion during a cycle, like when I would go do MMA training or compete in jiu-jitsu matches

  11. First of all, I want to clearly state that I am not a racist. My father is full blooded Japanese and my mother is 100% Zimbabwean, from a small village called Chedake.

    As you have probably guessed by now, I am a caucasian of European descent, with blue eyes, and I am completely awesome.

    Of all of my amazing qualities, I would say it is my humility that makes me better than everyone else. That is, of course, assuming that I have to choose only one.

  12. I am a member at both sites, but clusterbusters is where it is at. I always got really discouraged at the other site when people would get all pissy at me for taking pain meds. Different things work for different people, and for me, pain meds help. There really needs to be a little more acceptance by folks over there. Luckily, I do not have to take pain meds anymore since I started reading this site and dosing with LSA

    Long live clusterbusters!

  13. Also worth mentioning is that Portland is the beer capital of the world. I lived in Eugene for 28 years, in fact, just got back from there yesterday

    I know a lot of you are triggered by alcohol, but for those of you who aren't, you will be in beer heaven. I am a huge beer snob (and nationally recognized beer judge) so Oregon is the place to be in my opinion

  14. Cant wait to get past this cycle as alcohol is a big trigger for me.  I can actually taste my first beer, it is already picked out and the glass is sitting on the bar waiting patiently.  Will find its way to the freezer when I am ready.

    Just out of curiosity, what kind of beer is it? Sorry, I am a total beer snob

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