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Everything posted by gizmo

  1. The current IHS definiton (http://ihs-classification.org/en/02_klassifikation/02_teil1/03.01.02_cluster.html) Diagnostic criteria: Attacks fulfilling criteria A-E for 3.1 Cluster headache Attacks recur over >1 year without remission periods or with remission periods lasting <1 month
  2. 1. Age when CH began? between 8 and 10 2. Age when became chronic? 33 3. Years chronic? 11 4. Does the number and/or intensity of hits (Kip level) vary throughout the day/week/month/year? yes 5. Do you have a continuous 'background' headache (migraine?)? no 6. Please list effective medications and length of time effective. I guess you only want to know about the prevents... BOL: the trial dosage worked for ~6 months LSA: usually works for 8-12 weeks - for different reasons I haven't used seeds recently 7. What are you using now? nothing 8. How frequent are your chronic attacks? up to 8 attacks per day Oliver
  3. Unfortunately this isn't possible at the moment, see http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1257360095
  4. gizmo

    O2 masks

    Clusterheads located in Germany (and neighboring countries) can get them at http://www.toysportal.de/shop/sanitaetsbedarf-sauerstoffmasken-zubehoer/spielzeug/tqs/527_528
  5. Two threads from a quick search: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1236174541 http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1229790216
  6. IIRC there were discussions on the CH.com forum (http://www.clusterheadaches.com/wwwboard2/index.html) in the past regarding this.
  7. gizmo


    3-5 HBWR seeds are usually enough for me. But that of course depends on the seeds strength. The tea might have an effect. I let the seeds simply soak in water for 2 hours before drinking the stuff. You can also try soaking them in wine, provided alcohol / wine isn't a trigger for you. Oliver
  8. Absolutely no side effects for me and it worked (at least for me) far better than the seeds. Oliver
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