Well, I've finally been diagnosed with Cluster Headaches, after enduring years of useless treatments for "Sinisitis", "Neuralgia", "Migraine" etc, and being left for hours in A&E after doctors continually write "Headache" on my notes and wonder why paracetamol isn't working. I've been put on daily doses of Verapamil and have a couple of Sumitriptan Nasal sprays when the warning pains come.
I appear to be one of the lucky ones whos clusters come once a year(Around oct-dec time) for a period of about 6-8 weeks - Maybe you guys could help me with some home remedies? I'm 23, and male by the way, and clusters started when I was around 19-20, and I've noticed with each cluster the pain is progressively worse. Which is worrying.