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Everything posted by hickory

  1. I also get very vivid dreams during cycle. They are not only vivid but intence. They are basically the most intense things people could be going through, war, being chased, racing, and wild parties, anything that moves very fast. They or the CH wake me up and then the pain starts. Then if I fall back to sleep the dream starts all over again. As to your tiring the HBWR. I’ve read some people experience bad stomach cramps from them. I hear the outer shell contains cyanide. There may be ways of preparing them properly. Many people use RC seeds (ryveria corymbosa), Not sure on that spelling. The RC seeds seem to have little to no psychedelic effect. This may be good start for someone with no psychedelic experience. Good LSD can be hard to find but you can grow mushrooms yourself. ½ gram mushrooms made into tea could be a good start. Peace, Hickory.
  2. I have a huge problem with a lot of food during cycle. Foods containing MSG are a big one. MSG is found in so many foods even organic foods that claim not to contain it. Do some research and you'll find it's called other things like autolyzed yeast or soy isolate or even natural flavor. Staying clear of foods that contain higher levels of Tyromine. Tyromine is an excitotoxin and is found in aged, fermented, dried, cured or even ripe foods. Foods that contain aged cheese or foods that contain vinegar are big ones. These foods are not like normal triggers, they don't necessarily trigger an attack immediately. they can take almost 36 hours to effect you. Look up tyromine free diets. It has helped me to reduce the severity and frequency of my CH, during cycle. I hope this helps. Peace Hickory
  3. Since I started this last cycle almost two months ago, triggered by MSG, I’ve been ultra sensitive to so many foods. I have to be very careful not to have any foods containing MSG. it’s in so many foods even organic foods that claim there’s no MSG in it. They call it something else like hydrolyzed yeast or natural flavor. “Natural flavor” is in so many foods. Sure it naturally forms during food processing so they take advantage of that and label it something else. I guess it’s to make their foods taste better than the competitions. If it doesn’t contain MSG it probably has Tyromine in it, found in wine, aged cheese, fermented foods, dried foods, as well as ripe foods like avocados, bananas, berries and beans. Food that sits in the fridge to long builds Tyromine, like leftovers. I’ve been eating foods that have been frozen soon after harvest like plain chicken and fish. Rice and fresh eggs, from my chickens, has been the mainstay of my diet for months now. If I slipup or try something I’m not sure of my nights are much more painful. Does any one else have these problems? Peace Hickory
  4. Hello fellow clusterers my name is Hickory. I’m 39 years old I live in Vermont with my wife Beth and my two kids Clara, 3 and Will, 1. I’ve been dealing with these things for about twenty years. They started out as being more of what I and my doctors consider migraines. When I would get them I would put my self in a dark room, put a wet wash cloth on my head and try to go to sleep. Once I got to sleep my migraine would be gone. This would happen every three days or so for about a month. After that I would be pain free for a year or so. For the first few years I didn’t use meds. I used feverfew and coffee. That seemed to help for the first few years. Then they began to get more painful and more frequent. I began seeking medical help. I went on one med. it would work fine for a year or so. Then it would wear off and I would go on to another med. And another and another. This went on for 10 years or so. They all worked for awhile then the pain would return. The last med. I was on was Depakote, valproic acid. That stuff was the worst. It was making me get sick in the mornings. I was gaining weight and losing hair and I was still getting migraines. I was getting desperate. I went on line to look for help and found a company who said they could help. They said migraines had a lot to do with my diet and serotonin. I began an elimination diet. I stopped eating aged and fermented foods and stopped drinking alcohol. I also started taking their supplement seratona. The head aches stopped. This was four years ago. After a year I stopped taking the supplement and for another year I was migraine free. Then two years ago they came back but not like before they were much worse. There was no way I was getting to sleep. The pain was so bad I was crying on the bathroom floor holding my head kicking my legs and begging for help. I did not want to go on meds again but I had to do something. I got some maxalt and that would help when I got them. But they weren’t stopping. My doctor started me on prednisone and diagnosed me with clusters, it worked. It stopped the cycle, at this time I was already two months into the cycle, so it was probably ending anyway. So then I was free again for another two years. I was beginning to think I was done. I was watching what I was eating, no alcohol, and no fermented or aged things. So then my wife and I went out for Chinese. MSG. The next day they were back. I woke up in the night with a good one and over the next few nights they got worse and worse. I thought they were killing me. The pain was soooo bad!! I thought I was going to lose consciousness. They were coming every night. So I went back to the doctor and got me on prednisone for three days. No migraines for three days. When I stopped the pills they came back. So went back to doc. He put me on prednisone for five days. No pain for five days then they were back. That stuff was no fun; it felt like I was on a pot of coffee the whole time not much sleep but no headaches. I went online to seek help and found the clusterbusters site. So three weeks ago I tried LSD, not for the first time in my life, I only took a small dose and it worked for a week. No clusters. Then bam they were back. So I did some research learned about Tyramines. These Tyramines are not just the chemical in aged or fermented foods they’re in ripe foods such as bananas and avocadoes, as well as dried food like raisins. I think an avocado triggered that one. I also learned that MSG is in so many foods that don’t say they have it in them. “Natural flavor”, Hydrolyzed yeast and more. For the last two weeks I’ve been on a very limited diet. Two days ago I got oxygen tanks that were prescribed by my doctor, correctly. Before that I was using my oxy tank from my welding setup. The o2 is working most of the time, when it doesn’t I take Maxalt mlt. I'm detoxing from taking maxalt so I can redose soon, just lots of o2. I'll let you know if it helps or not. The ginger seems to help during the days with the shadows. I wish that no one got these things but it’s a relief to hear stories so much like my own. Hopefully we can beat this thing. I still have hope. Peace, Hickory.  P.s. I hope this is not to much of a rant. Just wanted to let you know what's up with me.Peace
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