Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing well...
I just wanted to share something with you.
I have been suffering with clusters now for around 15 years or so and, thankfully, I did not have any cycles during 2020 but they kicked in for me this year on Friday last week (30th April 2021). I was prescribed Verapamil previously, in 2015/16, which has actually worked really well for me in the past but always takes a good few days to take effect - Luckily, I had a supply stored away so I started with them straight away on Friday evening and have been taking them daily, morning and evening, as before. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working so great this time around for me, though.
I have been practicing various types of breath work now for around 18 months in my day to day life, as well as meditation etc. and one of the breath work techniques that I have been using is the 'Wim Hof' method. On Sunday this past weekend, I was hit hard by a cluster and randomly thought to try the WH breath work, because why not!?
Anyway, the long and short of it is that it actually worked and cleared my headache by the third and final round...completely (approx. 8-10 minutes)! I have since used it every single time I have had a cluster and it has worked every single time!
I am unsure why this is working for me but I am guessing that it is due to the amount of oxygen that is being forced into my system - Possibly similar to the oxygen treatment?
I wanted to share this with you guys to see if this would help anyone else, without the need for pharmaceutical medications (although I don't know if it is a combination of this and the Verapamil). The link to the video that I watch each time is below:
I really hope that his information is useful to some of you and it helps you as it is helping me!
Wishing you all the best