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Everything posted by ob1kanobee

  1. Couple of questions and also thanks for the replies. 1) Would this be the NON time released Melatonin? 2) Where do I look for the RC seed information on here? It's here somewhere I know. Is there a link for it specifically? As far as O2 tanks are concerned, I rent a big one which sits in my office at home. I purchased a smaller welder's tank which I bring around with me even though it looks hideous. I have 5 portable medical ones I bought off Craigslist but they are hard to fill. I purchased a transfer hose system of Ebay to fill the medical tanks with O2 from the large rental tank but there is a leak or something and it is hard to get them up to pressure. I need to get another O2 regulator thingy as I only have one so I'm constantly changing it from the two welder's tanks I have along with another mask. This way I could leave the smaller welder's tank in the car.
  2. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm on the other board but haven't posted in a while (few years). I have had these headaches since my early twenties on and off. I think I had them as a kid too but don't remember for certain. My mother said my grandmother used to walk around pacing with headaches and a cold wash cloth like I sometimes do. Anyway, I have never been properly diagnosed from a doctor. I have been given all kinds of pills for the pain but you know how that goes. I found out about O2 about 4 years ago. O2 has been a lifesaver for me. I just got a new Cluster Mask from DJ and I use welders Oxygen. I am also taking Kudzu right now being that I am apparently in cycle again for like the last 2 weeks or so. > I'm trying to increase my water intake as well. This affects my job and life pretty bad as I am in sales and I do much of my sales in customer homes. I got hit real bad last week towards the end of one of my appointments. By the time I got out of the house and in my car I was in full blown pain mode. I didn't have my tank with me as I have only been getting hit at night and after I fall asleep. I made it to the pharmacy to get emergency cold packs and then puked in the parking lot. I usually puke if the pain is real bad (high on KIP scale) but not often or if I can't abort. The hour ride home seemed like an eternity. I don't take any prescription drugs for this. Somebody gave me some Imitrex but I never used it. They sent it from California. It was the STAT doses I think they are called. So this time around I am getting hit mainly after I fall asleep. The other night I got hit 3 times. Besides O2, Kudzu, extra fluids, is there anything else I can or should do/try? I'm hearing about Melotonin and some herb. I am currently adding Sinus Busters in the mix. Yeah I know that's lame BUT I'm willing to try anything and figured WTH why not. It seems to have helped a little with pain and breathing. It definitely is no miracle but just another arrow in my bag against the demon. I'm kinda looking for some out of the box techniques maybe i have missed along the way. I saw one a while back about dropping original Visene in the eye that DJ had posted. I have also been pretty stressed out lately. GF problems, money problems, job, moving, ect. and I notice that stress seems to aggravate the condition. Oh, I have also done energy drinks. I'm going to play it by ear with the 'busting' method and shroomies/seeds. I have had some pretty bad experiences in the past with that sorta stuff (bad trips). I would try it in a heartbeat if I knew the effects would be minimal but without knowing the strength of the substance I'm dealing with, I would be a little scared. Also with current anxiety levels, I'm afraid that would bring on a major anxiety trip. I have a fear of not being in control, so I also don't ride in airplanes or in cars too much unless I am driving. Well Anyway if you have read this far then thank you for taking the time to learn about me and why I am here. Hopefully my cycle will end soon and I might dissapear for a while. When I am out of cycle, I tend to hide from anything that has to do with CH and I don't even want to talk about it LOL.  I think what has brought me back this time around is these night hits. I just can't get any good sleep. :'(
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