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Everything posted by TheVerbalArchitect

  1. I make music,have been for 7 years http://www.reverbnation.com/theverbalarchitect (Some music by yours truly for my CB frens) Music most times is the only thing that keeps me sane For me when i am enjoying music,it helps to take my mind off the cluster,simple and sometimes effective. One Love
  2. Nice to hear,You guys are on the yellow brick road now;) Cheers to your future and your hubby lol One Love
  3. I am working on gettin the O2 i currently make no income,i have to wait till i have money. And you didnt have to say it again, i got it the first time. One The V.A.
  4. Thanks Ron for all the input,i have been reading all day,my seeds are on the way,i have a neurologist,but he keeps insisting i follow along taking 720 mgs of verap,today i told them i wasnt comfortable with that dosage,then the nurse goes,how can you know 720mgs wont work if you dont try it long enough.Ive been doing 720 for 2 days and already hate it,clusters are worse than ever.Today so far though no suma shots,just shadows all day today,been doing energy drinks/water One Love The V.A.
  5. I also went years not taking anything,doctors didnt figure it out until a year ago,i have had them for about 5 years now.Thanks so much for the help,im gon grab some red bulls today. One Love
  6. Another Q, if im uncomfortable taking 720 mgs of verap a day,should i tell my doc? Or should i just go along with his plan?
  7. Awww thanks so much guys,i have already started my detox and should be gettin my seeds soon,my doc lately has been giving me a hard time ,he wants to continue the high dosage of verap first before he will meet up with me again to give me O2,i told them i wasnt comfortable taking so much verap but they said i wasnt giving it time,ive been on it for a month and a half,no change,bs i hate dealing with nurses/doctors. Thanks so much guys,hugs hugs
  8. Hi Everyone! I am am new to CB ,not sure where to start,im a 26 year old chronic sufferer,on 720 mgs of verap a day and taking suma shots,nuttin is working,im interested in trying the rc seeds but i have no idea where to begin,how are they used? how often? i get no remissions. Please Help
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