This isnt fair
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Hi guys and gals. I am sorry I haven't been here in a week or two , both my son and I have been pretty sick with the flu, on top of my cycle its been real fun. lol. Any ways, I need to get a life Ins policy.Have been busting with shrooms for a few weeks, I need to know.... Do I need to wait and if I do how long?Thanks in advance, Adam. Pf wishes to you all.
WHAT HAVE I DONE? LOL!!! Maybe I should market it and make a couple mil, of course I would gift half of my take here. I think I got a better idea, Ill start feeding chocolate to pigs and then there would be choc flavored pork chops,bacon,Ham .......Hmmmmmm makes me think :
3 1/2 months into my 2 month cycle
This isnt fair replied to This isnt fair's topic in General Board
Well I'm checking in. It's 2 days since my dose and things have been pretty good,. I have just had a solid shadow , no real pain just kind of a lil pressure. I could deal with that for as long as I have to.I am not wanting to jinx myself...But...WOOOWHOOÂ FIGURES...I JINXED IT..just got hit..Crap!!! -
3 1/2 months into my 2 month cycle
This isnt fair replied to This isnt fair's topic in General Board
Morning, I am here and in one piece.Last night went well. I just turned on the comedy channel and giggled a couple times. I do not know, I must be immune. I hope it worked. I was a little restless and slightly itchy(LOL) . After about three hours, went to bed and got 4 hrs sleep. only one low scale wake up hit, knocked it out with o2 in about 20 min. Feeling good this morning. Off to work. Have a good day everyone.PFW Adam -
Bacon, Choclate, Bacon covered in choclate, Hot dogs. I dont smoke it but tried it on suggestion,weed. got hit hard that night. dont drink, so dont know.
3 1/2 months into my 2 month cycle
This isnt fair replied to This isnt fair's topic in General Board
Its me again. well, quick update. It is sat night. I have gone threw another "T"Tank,(man these things are big), and I cant wait any longer!! Boiling water as I type. No sitter. Still a little weary, but no choice. I will check back tomorrow and let every one know I'm okay. Hopefully it wont be at 5am, would like to get at least a couple hrs sleep if possible.......LOL ....looks like wet saw dust. taste like wet sawdust. geez ,only if saw dust was our answer. Okay kidding aside, cross your fingers for me. DOWN THE HATCH  [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] -
3 1/2 months into my 2 month cycle
This isnt fair replied to This isnt fair's topic in General Board
Morning guys and gals. Just a quick update. Was not able to fight the beast. Had to put it off for a couple reasons, and I hated not being able to battle.However,it was probably wise.... As I wasn't in the right state of mind and with out a sitter, it may of gone in the wrong direction fast. Still having a steady attack with only a few breaks in the last couple days,thankfully there only around a 3, so I can deal with that with. I"M thinking I may able to fight the demon in a day or two. trying to get to a better place( emotionally) first. Do not want to get..... stupid! So that's it, hope everyone else is doing well. I will check back in soon. Adam -
HI, don't wait for the o2. You can get it at a welding shop,can get the regulator on ebay and the mask here at the o2 store located up on the left side of your screen that says menu.it will be your new best friend, read everything here and educate yourself, you can help yourself more and faster than the doctors.Ask questions the folks here understand and know what it is you feel,unless the doctors have this they cant even begin to understand the pain and hopeless feelings we have until we help ourselves.Pain free wishes and lots of luck. Adam
3 1/2 months into my 2 month cycle
This isnt fair replied to This isnt fair's topic in General Board
Good morning, finally got a break. around 3 am kip dropped to around a 2. I feel like a new man, however my body is just exhausted. I am concerned I have gone from a episodic to chronic. not what I am prepared for. I hope I'm wrong. Going to give it another shot tonight. Hope everyone else is holding up well. PFW from me to all of you. -
Hi guys and gals. have not been around in almost a week, not by choice. The demon has been stomping on me bad. the last 24 hrs have been even worse, one solid hit(kip7)that started yesterday about 4pm and hasnt stopped or decreased in kip. I have gone threw a brand new 5ft tall 30 inch around aviator tank of o2 in under 30 hrs. my kip keeps jumping( kip9) and I hit it with o2 and it brings it back to my (kip7)but that only lasts maybe 20-30 min. really ruff ride. I am going to dose it tomorrow night again! maybe the next one will be the winner. I am only here right now because I had to try and distract myself,took 15 min to write this. I will let every body know how it goes . Gotta go
It does sound funny, but the veggies work. Just remember to place them in a zip lock bag, You don't want the bag to open and squirt defrosted veg juice on your pillow, your head and into your bed!    Don't ask how I know, I just do!    Also ,if other folks live in your home, mark the bags as DO NOT USE FOR FOOD.Don't want someone cooking them after they have been defrosted and refrozen several times. I have also used the freezer trick many many times the cold air helps me. I tried going outside for the cold air but at 2 am when you had been warm and in PJ's,It doesn't work so well as you start to shiver. so the freezer it was, but I was loosing all the cold air out of the open door,so had to come up with the towel or (hood) trick to keep most cold air in freezer as possible.
CThe Night of the Living lustrHeads! Scary. Now thats funny right there!!! only reading it!!! not living it.
TY Ting. You know we will try just about anything. Some things work well, some dont.
Hi, Good work on defense. couple of tips if you dont mind. #1. Never try and convince yourself its not happening...... At the first feeling...... you attack it!!!! Redbull,icepacks, o2. never hesitate.!!!! # 2. I use frozen vegetables inside a extra baggie.they mold to your head better,for better coverage. I have several, as there only cold for a little while then I switch to another while refreezing the first.#3. I have recently started to go to sleep with the veges already placed on my pillow, I fall asleep with my head on them .kind of as a preventative. seems to work 70% of the time. #4. Until you get o2, if the ice and redbull isn't working, go to the freezer and stick your head in and breath deep for awhile.. I throw a towel over the top of the door and drape it over my head and close the bottom. like a hood.( trying to keep as much as the cold air in the freezer as possible.)# 5. get o2!!! Rocking back and fourth is normal for us. best wishes!!!!!