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Everything posted by Mrsgrneyedldy

  1. Okay I was trying to add a P.S. To my last post but it is'nt working.....So P.S. day 3 Detox! ;D
  2. Thanks All! I'm hanging in there! Had a horrible Shadow All day,Im gonna get hit and its gonna SUCK, But I will survive!
  3. Hello everybody, I was finnally able to order my seeds and yesterday was day one of detox, I'm still suffering 4 to 6 in 24, I'm assuming that may increase as detox continues,I'm geared up w/ O2 and Monsters for now! My date is the 23rd to bust if all goes right! I'll keep ya posted thanks for the support! :-/
  4. Hey,Ive been suffering w/ 4 to 6 attacks in 24 I have O2 at 15litters per minute....Im looking into busting very soon I'll keep ya'll posted! :'(
  5. Thank you! I have signed the petition!So have a few of my family members for me or on my behalf! I was hit w/ the beast upon waking this morning and again a few hours later! Not to mention the middle of the nite attacks! I was taking the vitaman D3 regimine,along w/ the melatoin, I still take the melationin, not the D3 I swear it gave me more headaches! I'm going to try in get some RC seeds as soon as I can. Thanks for the support! :-/
  6. Hello,my Dr. Has me on low dose of verapamil. It doesn't help! The oxygen helps yet takes more w/ each hit! I'm out of Imtrex and I'm getting hit alot! I'm truly miserable and need HELP :'(
  7. Thank you all very much,I've been thinking of way to end it for good lately myself! I saw all the busting post and figured I'd try to get in touch w/ a few people I knew here in St.louis to find some shrooms to no avail. I'm getting hit w/ the beast at 2am,when I wake at 6 and again during the day every 3 to 4 hours! I'm miserable! Thanks for the support! :-/
  8. Hey, Im a 36yr old female,who began suffering migranes at 13,at 24 they turned to CH (episodic) I belive they've become chronic.I've tried and been on every drug Known to treat them and due to ins. reasons I can only do Imtrex 100mg tablets 9 a month, the oxygen works , atleast helps but everything else has stopped working. I'm woke twice a nite w/ the ugly beast in my head and twice a day. And when Im not suffering a CH attack I seem to have this anoying residule headache! Today was a Real bad day! I'm truly wanting to give up and end my pain forever! Thanks for Listening :'(
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