Hey all. I have been an episodic CH for 15 years. I am 34 years old
As an integrative/alternative doctor, I have tried almost everything to treat this. Yes including all the psychedelics
The past year I have found an amazing combo that hasn't cured me but certainly made it possible to have a wonderful normal life between attacks.
I have learned what foods my gut is intolerant to and stay away 90% of the time (gluten, diary, almonds, bananas, caffeine etc), I have acupuncture from an excellent acupuncturist at least once a week, I live a clean life with as few toxins as possible (free range foods, no smoking drinking etc) and most notedly have intravenous magnesium every second day or so during a cycle. I do still use a third imitrex/imigran to treat a headache
What's different on this is that between attacks I feel completely normal. I can work, sit in the sun, run around with my kids, not feel low etc and the attacks are much milder, never more than 1 a day, never after the first hour of waking and no longer everyday for a month. Have about 2 a week or less. Thought I had beat it
My problem ... And question is thus:
I started with first headache of cycle in June. Then nothing for a month. Another 2 in July, then about 5 in August and now 8 or so in September. Still following the changes I noted above.
I know I'm a special case but has anyone experienced anything like this?!
I have never lasted more than 2 months but then everyday for 2 or more attacks a day.
I'm terrified I've gone chronic but trying to hope for the best.
Has anyone gone from episodic to chronic .... What was it like?
Searching for light in this madness