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DeYo91 last won the day on November 19 2022

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  1. Great to hear! Appreciate the responses
  2. Curious if anyone has any experience driving from sea level to high altitude with E tanks. I am heading on a ski trip while in cycle. Want to make sure my truck doesn't explode I keep thinking about what happens to a water bottle... Thanks!
  3. My condolences to the family. What terrible news... So sorry.
  4. So far I have had a few headaches that vaguely resemble CH i.e same pressure, left sided, but without much pain at all. Resembled a normal pressure headache and was able to function through them. I will do the alcohol test this coming weekend and am going to see if a proper CH is induced. Emgality is an interesting drug... I can't tell if I am still in cycle but attacks are being blocked from the drug or if It knocked me right out of it. We will see!
  5. OK! So interesting turn of events for those who may be following here: Dr. Alan M. Rapoport, M.D. who is on the list of recommended doctors emailed me back right after making that first post. He recommended a doctor in Ojai, CA by the name of Dr. Brigitte Lovell. I called the office and they said she was booked out for months. I told the receptionist how urgent it was that I be seen due to the severity of the headaches and she put me on hold. She came back on and asked if there was anyway I could make it in right then. I got in the car and drove straight there and was able to be seen even though it was right after closing hours. She seemed like the first knowledgable Neurologist I had seen in regards to CH. I told her about my oxygen, MM use, etc. She prescribed me a new medicine that was recently approved in the US for CH use called Emgality (galcanezumab-gnlm) Injections. I guess you do three shots of 100mg in the same day once a month with little to no side effects. Anyone know anything about this? She also said it would not inhibit the effects of MM and shouldn't interfere with any of the other abortive techniques I currently use. I have the shots and am planning on trying it tonight. I will let you guys know how it goes. If anyone has any info on this I would love to hear before I shoot myself up with some new medications!
  6. Does anyone have a good recommendation for a Neurologist in Santa Barbara or Ventura CA? I contacted a few off the recommended doctor list in Los Angeles but was unable to find anyone who was accepting new patients or practices in the area consistently enough to see me in a timely fashion. If I find anyone on my own who seems to be solid, I will be sure to post on here and let you all know. Thanks everyone!
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