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Since 05

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Since 05 last won the day on September 27 2016

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  1. Thanks for the insight. I will be addressing this today.
  2. Pebbles and CHfather - I thank each of you for taking your valuable time to respond. I just learned today (after drilling the doctor) that sumatriptan is now available in 3mg dosage injections. Amen. You have given so much in just a couple of communications! I thank you and will follow the suggestions. Be blessed and be safe!
  3. As a 10+ year sufferer it was great to find this site. Thanks to all for the large amounts of information. My background is - cycle begins following large stress events i.e. Hurricane Katrina. I have seen numerous docs and been treated as a "seeker" in emergency rooms. I am a smoker and Pepsi drinker. I tried oxygen and it didn't help. I just started the d3 regimine this week which is also when I learned of the Austin Covention (unfortunately a day late). I have tried every form of doctor prescribed meds and the only functional are verapamil 240 and sumavil injections. When I max out injections I wind up at the er for the dhe45 crap. After that series I go home and they ramp back up. Then multiple injections put me back at the er and dilaudid finnegan and Benadryl knock it out for a day or so. Does this sound familiar anyone? Currently I am in a pretty determined cycle of 2+ months and have nerves in the top of my head causing the strongest pain. This familiar to anyone? Now to the point - I am ready to try Busting. I am at the point of looking for a street level person to help with the MM to try to help with this current cycle. It has myself and my "AWESOME" wife wearing down. I will begin my own development after this cycle but desperately looking for help to get passed this one and get my mind back. I live in Louisiana. Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.
  4. Is it too late to head down. I just got into the sight today and I'm in a cycle that just won't leave.
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