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Everything posted by sugarplum89

  1. You all have such good advice and know exactly what your talking about! I'm guna do some reading on the d3 thing and check that out. If I'm confused i will come back to you with questions. Making my own oxygen set up sounds like it might be quite hard? But I have heard of ouch from looking up cluster headaches so I will go back and get the info for the oxygen and take it with me to the docs on Tues. Your right that this stuff needs to stop cos it's holding back pain relief for people. And this is not something anyone should be left to suffer with. I'd never heard of it before any of this and most people haven't and the doctors seem clueless to it! I know it ain't life threatening but it certainly affects your whole life while your in a cycle, I can't imagine how chronic people manage. I did read the instructions to my nasal spray lol and it does say to spray and breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth, I think I was just worried it would run out my nose and not work! I'l really try not to sniff it back so much and see how I go but I will also ask on Tues to have injections, they sound much better. Just take the bad taste for a few days, better than the pain! Thank you
  2. I agree with CHfather, the tablets don't help me quick enough at all. ive only just been prescribed some nasal sprays and used the first one last night and it did help in about half hour but it don't taste great. I'm going to ask about injections and I think you might find a quicker relief from either of them aswell. def find out about the oxygen, I'm going to do the same! I'm in the uk so I'm not sure how your insurance and stuff works. I know how you feel tho, ive been suffering and feeling so depressed...I bet most of the people on here have been through that but I just joined and its nice to have support from people who know exactly what its like. its awful but you can push through like all the other times :) I keep thinking about when they are gone and how I'm going to celebrate! keep strong!
  3. hey thank you so much for your replies. sorry I'm only just getting back to you all. ive had a pretty bad few days with them but I have been backwards and forwards to my doctors and hospital. I just cant not take the pain of them and he finally agreed cluster headaches. I was on propranolol and nefopams which as I'm sure you understand doesn't even touch the pain of them but I did get prescribed some verapamil (only just started today, how long do they usually take to start working?) and some nasal spray which did clear my pain in about half hour last night so that was some relief, I'm going to ask about injections. would you guys say they are better? also I was really sick with the taste of the nasal spray has anyone else found this? any tips on how to help with that taste? its nice to finally be treated for what I have so I am feeling abit more positive. its great to have somewhere other people know exactly what your going through. ive had all sorts of diagnoses. I was told migraine, sinus and trigeminal neuralgia. when I looked that up and joined a forum, it just didn't fit with what I went through so I did more researching and saw cluster headaches, I knew that was it but trying to convince a doctor is much harder! one lady basically told me that men in their 30's or 40's get it so that cant be right. I started to doubt myself too but as ive found theres lots of young woman who also suffer it! sorry just ranting on! hope you are all doing ok.
  4. hello I'm new here and ive been struggling with headaches for a long time now. i get such a pain around my eye that spreads out to my forehead, nose and cheek. its nothing ive ever felt before and this normally lasts about two hours, 1-2 a day for about 2 months then disappears for roughly a year and a half then comes back. its really affecting my life and making me so depressed. the headaches started back up last week and I'm really struggling. ive been to my doctors loads for this and they tell me its a migraine event? but ive tried various painkillers, amitriptryline and now on propranolol which are making me feel very sick and nothing seems to help at all. I'm convinced this is cluster headaches but the docs wont treat me for it...is there anything i can do to get them to help me more? or could this be migraines? I'm at a total loss for what to do and the pain is unbearable, i dno how much more i can take of it. my thoughts are with all you people suffering this awful thing! any help, advice or tips on how to deal with this would be very appreciated. thank u
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