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  1. ther·a·peu·tic ˌTHerəˈpyo͞odik/ adjective adjective: therapeutic 1. relating to the healing of disease. "diagnostic and therapeutic facilities" synonyms: healing, curative, remedial, medicinal, restorative, salubrious, health-giving, tonic, reparative, corrective, beneficial, good, salutary "the therapeutic effects of acupuncture" antonyms: harmful administered or applied for reasons of health. "a therapeutic shampoo" having a good effect on the body or mind; contributing to a sense of well-being. "a therapeutic silence" noun: therapeutics 1. the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of disease and the action of remedial agents. 2. a treatment, therapy, or drug. "current therapeutics for asthma" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have looked around, for what kind of therapeutic treatments folk will use during an attack, sure there is no one therapy that fits all, but thought there should be a all go to list of sorts to refer to, as I suffered 2 attacks today, said hey, why not post a thread as to what I use during an attack. To me the best title for this is therapeutic remedies, as it aids one during an attack, and some therapeutic methods work for one, will not for another. But at least if this helps just one, well makes me happy. Feel free to add your regimen, your toolbox of what you tend to do during an attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Massage I tend to use mechanical, electronic massagers. Home medics make a fine assortment of these, usually around 30$-50$.. In my arsenal I have three at home go to models. For me these some time aid in getting me relaxed, I use them on skull, temple, neck, and sometimes these make a huge difference during the two hour attack, "HoMedics HHP-350 Percussion Action Massager" This one is my big gun, main tool in the box, it's powerful vibrate motion, just somehow helps at times, not all, but got to bet used to it, as it will pound on a hard skull, but with practice, can do wonders around eye and my favorite, is inducing a sneeze attack... To me a sneeze attack is an adrenaline rush... much like you feel relief after vomiting.. a sneeze to me is more pleasant with a bit of relief, even if it is only like 2 minutes.. well worth it in my book. "HoMedics NMS-375 Shiatsu Neck and Shoulder Massager with Heat" This is a rather new addition to my tool box... like this as it is like having a spare set of fingers , will really get the neck great, and even still will use it around skull and eye, a set of fingers at times helps me when coming down from an attack. "HoMedics SP-100H 3D Shiatsu and Vibration Massage Pillow with Heat" This one I have along with the HHP-350, and comes in handy as it is almost hands free, unlike the NMS-375 which requires hand arm use, this one does the same, just one hand operation. Now, the above works well with power, but I also carry a EDC (Every Day Carry) Kit when these episodes come on... and when out power can be tricky to come across, as well as these are rather bulky.. RIght? lol .. be warned this section at bottom of post... it is not for everyone, just be warned and if you love politically correctness.. well you may want to just skip the end section between red!! HOT/COLD I often use the shower, sink, using hot water, cold water, hot usually can calm me down a brief moment, while cold numbs it for just a ever so brief moment, till it creates the ice cream head effect as I call it. But often not I also use hot cold compress. I used to purchase such things from the store. But soon realized they would break down, get lost, what have you. One item I like is the disposable water bottle, the flimsy bottles work wonders, for both hot cold. Just consume half the water, or all, and fill or leave half full, carefully push out the air, and recap.... not you can place some in a cold fridge when needed.. 40 degree water works great.. will mold to face skull just fine, also, can be frozen, or microwaved for no more than 30-45 seconds in my tests. Often times I utilize tap water if it is at 130-140 degrees, but if it is an EDC situation.. mircowave nearby.. marvelous.. helps a bit at times, but again, not fully. The rest is basic stuff found pretty common 1. Towel Icy hot/Tiger Balm 2. DRINK WATER- both for me, hot/cold 3. The ol Towel massage. 4. I often tend to pace .. and sometimes pacing my backyard really helps. 5. Oxygen.. not in my toolbox yet, am looking into it, cost and such, time will tell. As for medication, I am no expert, just do what I think or knows will help, right now Sumatriptan and Pampermil seemed to work in the past , prescript only of course. Just learned of goodrx.com... have not used it formally yet seems like the old, to good to be true element to it in my eyes, but if insurance plays games on my suma, well again everything is on the table from A-Z in my book. Also trying Magnesium, B2, and Benadryl... not to sure of the effects thus far. Heard Melatonin is good as well, and am looking to add it to my tool box as well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- END SUMMARY.. THANKS, BELOW IS A QUICK VERSION OF MY ABOVE RANTINGS SUMMARY--IE- QUICK REFERENCE POINT Well that is my list in long form, just a quick summarry for those that just need a quick reference point: Massage -- A great set of tools for aiding me in my attacks, mileage will vary "HoMedics HHP-350 Percussion Action Massager" "HoMedics NMS-375 Shiatsu Neck and Shoulder Massager with Heat" "HoMedics SP-100H 3D Shiatsu and Vibration Massage Pillow with Heat" EDC (Every Day Carry) - A must for me, a kit with most of my EMC theraputic kit In mine, I have the following: Carmex Capsule of Icy Hot Tiger Balm Vicks Pepermint/Lavendar oil Meds-- Usually Suma and pampermil Exedrin Extra strength migraine Wash Cloth Sink plug/ suction cup for gps in car etc.. (Why, often I need to dunk my head in a sink, and paper towels are not available, so, I use a suction cup to do this job) Frozen 1/2 bottle water compressed, as well as one empty The black bullet/ and chargeable massager The rest is basic stuff found pretty common 1. Towel Icy hot/Tiger Balm 2. DRINK WATER- both for me, hot/cold 3. The ol Towel massage. 4. I often tend to pace .. and sometimes pacing my backyard really helps. 5. Oxygen.. not in my toolbox yet, am looking into it, cost and such, time will tell. As for medication, I am no expert, just do what I think or knows will help, right now Sumatriptan and Pampermil seemed to work in the past , prescript only of course. Just learned of goodrx.com... have not used it formally yet seems like the old, to good to be true element to it in my eyes, but if insurance plays games on my suma, well again everything is on the table from A-Z in my book. Also trying Magnesium, B2, and Benadryl... not to sure of the effects thus far. Heard Melatonin is good as well, and am looking to add it to my tool box as well. Well that is my therapeutic arsenal/tool box now for just a quick wrap up, summary, I look forward to hearing how everyone else copes, as I know it is a battle, and wish you all good luck, may the force be with you as well, and last reminder, read between the red with an open mind, and be safe, not recommending these as tools to use, just as a guide so to speak, they help me often, and with that just wanted to share in hopes it helps others, even if just one person gets relief or help from this, was well worth my time and effort, figure if I do not share it, what good is it, it helps me at times and could be of use to others under attack, so again, be safe, and realize this is just one suffer to another trying to provide something useful. ---------------------------------------------------------------------XXX ADULTS STUFF XXX----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, kinda not to sure how this will go, but think it should be in here, but if you get easily offended, or just so politically correct, may want to skip this section, just sayying it is a little of the track. Created the font small, you can C/P it to read, just want to be sure everyone is warned ahead of time, as I know how some can be, and really am in no mood for a battle of wits. So, these next items come from well x rated area. But if they help, why not. As I was often wondering about micro massagers, as such like a hand held option, these are usually quite weak for my needs, and still quite bulky. So, long story short, was at a store with the wife one day, when there was a display of well, vibrators out, and realized this could be utilized for something otherwise. However, that kind of organ , yeah leave it at that. But, next shelf over, was the reverse entry vibrating thing, and well, bought it, not for the intended purpose but rather for my therapeutic EDC.. and it works great in a pinch, compact, strong, awesome, but ran on batteries and is tethered by wire , which often failed as well, so got looking at some other sites and found something that was rechargeable, And not tethered, as well as it is stronger than my brick store version, but still carry both, "Trinity Vibrating Silver Egg" "Hush" This next item, is well rather shocking ,electonic shock "toy" remember this is not medical advice, I am not a doctor, this is just what I use when under attack, with that said, use this at your own judgment, it can be risky , but for me, it has helped, not on a regular basis, as sometimes the pads are lost, and it is relatively new to my arsenal... thus far have tried it twice, on neck, and it does distract my mind a bit, but well again, when under attack anything seems to be fair play.. if it can be used as a sex toy, why not for therapuetic use? .. well see for your self....Again I have not fully tried this, maybe once or twice, but it has potential. "Zeus Handheld Power Box" -----------------------------------------------------------------END ----XXX ADULTS STUFF XXX---END--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Sumatriptan pills - thus far have been effective for me, and yes currently am on Verapamill, this combo worked three years ago, hoping it will again work out fine, still no idea what triggers these. But am feeling the need to find alternative remedys, ty, a long list, and thank-you for a starting point. No the neurologist never mentioned even or if any of these things, wont be seeing him again for about three weeks, not once did he mention the need for o2, however the, EMC room had me on oxygen, did not seem to do much for me, but the ride there did, , still though the neurologist has not mentioned it, and have no idea how to make one myself, will ask for sure. I tend to head outside, that currently is my Oxygen, wonder if insurance covers that, if not ... could you elaborate on this welding o2? Goodrx, --that was the coupon I saw at the dr office, hoping insurance will work, but not sure. Just been perusing the clusterbusters files, so much info everywhere, not sure where to start , D3 regimen, what is that, have been taking magnesium per the wifes research that it helps as well. I am currently grateful my episodes are not as chronic as some I have read thus far this evening. Five hour shots, , will give that a try, cant hurt, should not effect the suma, ty for the response, just about to head off, again thank-you!
  3. Hello, been a while since I had Cluster attacks, was 2014 . I remember joining a group back then, but soon the attacks stopped, all seemed well, just a fluke, so I have been quite content. Even so, last week, these things came back. Landed at the EMC room twice, before I could get to see the Neurologist, As I did not keep appointments all this time, so now had to be a new patient, ouch! Lesson learned. I had some old sumatritan hanging around in the cabinet, but finally ran that out quickly, 4 pills two days, 100 mg. EMC gave me a 25 mg script, would not give me the 100, the ol bad for the heart thing, second visit, they must have felt okay, and went to 50 mg. Finally got a bottle of 100 mg, 9 pills, all I get for now till like the 20th, insurance won't pay for it till then, Guess I have many many questions, but right now, scared I won't have Suma to fall on, what do I do then, It is the only thing that seems to work, , any suggestions (Even any home remedies?) on how to work around it, I do not see much, found a coupon at the drs office, will still be $66 that I really do not have, but would pay before the electric bill, (Scarey thought there!), Wife says AAA has similar options as well. I try to extend the Suma by not taking it till last moment type deal, but , well just scared at having another EMC room visit as well. Glad to have found this board tonight, got alot of questions, and just wanted to say hello , so see everyone on the other side!
  4. Just registered, more than willing to get to the end of these Clusters, nothing but trouble, boss's do not get it when you have an attack, been fired one to many times, yeah, more than willing to assist in a study !
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