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Everything posted by Bilal

  1. I guess I can continue to take them daily. I'm worried that they might lose their efficacy and that my body might get used to them if I take them all the time. I guess I will wait and see. Thank you for your advice.
  2. Thanks for the reply Batch. I honestly haven't tested my D3 levels in years and have no idea what my blood calcium levels are. I think I'll just drop down to 10000 IU per day of Vitamin D3. But I was more interested in what you'd have to say about taking 6 grams of a Turmeric/Curcumin complex and 1 gram of Quercetin daily along with the Vitamin D3 cofactors. Could that possibly have any side effects in the long term? I am trying to create the optimal low inflammation regimen to fight off CH whenever it rears it's ugly head, and for overall health and fitness.
  3. Hello Everyone, I'm sorry it took so long to post an update, I wanted to be completely sure before posting anything. I took Batch's advice and implemented the changes mentioned above. Within 3 weeks I was 100% pain free. No more headaches or shadows, no watering of the right eye. I was dreading what would happen if the D3 Regimen stopped working for me, but thanks to the wonderful people on this forum I don't have to worry about that any more. On a side note, I noticed that reducing inflammation really helped me out with my workouts. I had injured my forearm three different times trying to do pullups, I even followed all the guidelines and took incremental steps toward my goal by starting with chair assisted pull ups and then moving on to resistance bands. But every time I attempted a pull up, I would notice that sharp pain on the outside of my elbow again. That all changed when I increased my dose of vitamin D and added Turmeric and Quercetin to my daily dose of supplements. I can now do pull ups without assistance and rarely feel that sharp pain in my elbow. I would like to know if there are any side effects of continuing with my supplementation in the long term. Can I keep taking 50000 IU of Vitamin D along with Turmeric and Quercetin every day without problems? If anyone knows, I would really appreciate some advice, because these supplements really help prevent injury. Regards, Bilal
  4. Thanks for the advice guys! I'll try to increase my dosage of D3, does the brand of D3 supplement matter? I was taking sports research's vitamin d3 (50000 IU), but just to be safe I have ordered the bio-tech 50000 IU as it is cheaper per dosage anyway. I wasn't even taking any Turmeric before, but I'll add that to my list of supplements now. I was also taking 22 mg of Solgar's Zinc glycinate, should I continue with that or change to zinc picolinate as you mentioned? Lastly, as Jon mentioned my trigger may not be the cold winds, but the rapid change in pressure. I suppose it's possible, I have started wearing winter gear to protect my head and right eye whenever I leave the house. I will know for sure in a week or two I guess. Thanks again for the advice and fast replies, I will implement your suggestions and update this thread if there are any changes.
  5. It's been two years since my last post. I started having headaches again. Same symptoms, pain on the right side of my head mostly centered behind the eye along with redness and tearing of the eye. The headaches started in February and weren't as bad initially, I would say they were about a 5 on a pain scale. It's been a month since then and the pain has ramped up to a 7. I decided to pay attention to my triggers and can guarantee that in my case, cold winds are the trigger. I had no attacks last year because I almost never left the house thanks to CoVid 19. I've kept up with the D3 Regimen this whole time and I think the pain would have been way worse if I wasn't taking my supplements. I'll update this thread again once anything changes.
  6. It's been almost a year since I last posted. I guess it's true that you tend to take your health for granted. Fortunately, I've had the luxury to do so this year. I'm glad to report that ever since I started the D3 regimen I've been completely pain free. No more headaches, and not just CH. I don't recall having any kind of headache in almost a year. I've been thanking God and the fine people of this site that directed me to this regimen whenever I can. To those of you still undecided, please give the D3 regimen a chance and stick to the guidelines. And to the people on this forum that helped me, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU.
  7. Hi Batch, I used to have 2-3 attacks per week and they lasted from around 30 minutes to 2 hours. Shadows were around 5 days a week and lasted up to 5 hours. Now I have one mild attack every two weeks and shadows are gone completely. I did miss the pills twice on two separate occasions, but it hasn't seemed to effect me in any way . I plan on completing the survey after exactly two months on the regimen, so I can provide more accurate statistics.
  8. It's been a month since I started the regimen and I've only had 3 very mild attacks. Shadows are gone completely and I honestly don't feel like the condition is even there anymore.
  9. A week into the D3 Regimen and I woke up to a minor attack. This was the weakest Ch attack I've had. Pain was at a 5 and lasted about 10 minutes. I went back to sleep afterwards.
  10. Hi Batch Thanks again for all the work you and others have put into this regimen, I'll definitely start the survey after a month of this regimen.
  11. I decided to create this thread specifically for new CH members who just got diagnosed and might not want to take any psychedelics for temporary relief and would instead opt for a more permanent solution. I started the D3 regimen as advised by senior members, here is a link to the regimen https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/1308-d3-regimen/. On my fifth day of the pills and I've been CH free. So far so good, I'll update this thread from time to time in case anyone might find this useful. Thanks to CH father, Batch and everyone else that helped me find this regimen.
  12. Hi Batch, Thanks for posting this here. I'm actually aware of the D3 Regimen, CH father posted a link to your pdf file on this thread a while back. I've been vitamin D deficient for a long time, because I never go out in the sun and I've been having joint pain for years. I did do a few vitamin D test and some came back showing my vitamin D levels at normal. However, after reading that pdf file, I understood something and correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that our blood stream does have enough vitamin D concentration but it's not getting absorbed? Also, I just started having these headaches 2 months ago and I've only had 2 attacks per week and pain is mostly at a 6 so I consider myself lucky when compared to the rest of you (or maybe it starts off that way for everyone? I'm not sure). I've already ordered all the vitamins and minerals that are mentioned in the D3 regimen through amazon and I will start taking them when they arrive tomorrow. Thank you so much for all the research that you and others have put into it. If this regimen works out for me, I will be eternally grateful to you.
  13. Hi, I really appreciate your input, it's kind of encouraging to know that there are other people out there who understand your pain. Last night I had such terrible pain that I couldn't do anything for hours. As a student, that really made me angry because I had just wasted three hours wailing in pain. I could have spent those three hours on my studies, on some R&R, or even a nap. I did the typical thing of asking why me? Why am I being subjected to this suffering? Then I regained my composure and I realized that I'm not alone and that really helps. I'm going to try the D3 Regimen soon. I've been looking at amazon and can't seem to find any Vitamins that don't have gelatin in them (I'm a Muslim so any gelatin made from pork based products is prohibited). Hopefully I'll find something soon. Thanks again for commenting and I wish you pain free days in the future.
  14. Thank you CH father, this D3 Regimen, seems like what I need right now. I've been struggling with vitamin and calcium deficiency for years anyway. I'm partially lactose intolerant and I never ever go out in the sun so I don't get enough Vitamin D through normal means. I've been avoiding supplements because I didn't want my body to get used to them, but now I have more of a reason to start taking them again. This post is really helpful. Thank you!
  15. Well, in my case it's not that I didn't experience the shadow or didn't notice it was there. I was able to "tune it out" because the excitement I was getting from the game was more than the misery I was getting from the pain, if that makes sense.
  16. Also, I forgot to mention this, but none of my attacks have been predictable so far. I only start to notice them when the pain starts building up.
  17. Unfortunately not, because the very first time I had a Ch attack ( 2 months ago) and a few ones after that, I was playing video games before the attack started and I noticed the buildup of pain. Eventually it came to a point where I had to put my controller down and hold my head. If anything, concentrating on the game during the attack probably made it more painful because my most painful attacks happened when i was sitting in front of a screen (either doing my homework or playing video games). Gaming only helps you ignore shadows I guess.
  18. I see, that clears things up a lot. I have a full on CH attack at least twice a week but shadows are around for at least 5 days every week and they last up to 8 hours. But the good thing about that is that their manageable, I can't really concentrate on my studies with the shadows around but I can play video games and I stop feeling them after I get immersed in the game. Also, can somebody explain the significance of energy drinks to me? How can Redbull or Monster help with a CH attack?
  19. Also, I keep hearing about "shadows" but I don't know what they are, can anyone please explain?
  20. Thanks for the advice guys, I'll definitely refrain from lying down during a more painful attack! Also, can you please link me to the thread with the D3 Regimen info, or give me a summary of what it entails? Thanks for all the help guys, I truly appreciate it.
  21. My doctor initially gave me some indomethacin pills and I took them for 10 days but continued to have headaches every 3 or 4 days. That's when he told me I might have CH, but I should get an MRI just to be sure. I should also add that ever since I started taking the Verapamil pills, I've been having headaches with one red teary eye almost every day. But these headaches are manageable, the pain is a 6 at most. The only headache that genuinely made me get up and start walking around because of the pain was my very first CH-like headache.
  22. Thank you for all of your input and advice, I will definitely try the oxygen tank, as it seems to be the most reliable relief. I also wanted to ask, how common or rare is it to get CH-like symptoms but not actually have CH?
  23. Thank you very much for all this information and the fast reply. I'm taking 40 mg Verapamil (2 40 mg pills per day). I'm taking 50 mg sumatriptan succinate tablets. My primary concern is with the fact that every case of CH I've seen so far is described as a bout of SEVERE pain, so much so that it causes some people to become suicidal. I've heard the pain described as "being stabbed with an ice pick" "being hit on the head with a sledgehammer" and "feeling like my eye sockets are being burned from the inside". This really freaked me out as I haven't experienced anything close to this level of pain, the first time I had a cluster headache the pain was the highest, but even that was like an 8 for me. All subsequent headaches have been a 6 at most. Could this mean that i was misdiagnosed because I did some research and found out that there are conditions where people experience symptoms similar to CH but might have a more life threatening issue like meningitis or a brain tumor. My doctor says I should get an MRi but I'm an international student in Wichita, Kansas and can't possibly afford an MRi in the USA. The most I can do is wait two months and go back to my home country in the summer vacations if I HAVE to get an MRi. I told this to my doctor and he agreed with me. I've scoured the internet as much as I can on my own and have come up with more questions than answers. I would appreciate any input on my issue.
  24. I should also add that I'm 24 years old. Never had a drop of alcohol in my life. Never did any drugs, and only smoked once(as a toddler I stole one of my dad's cigs).
  25. Hi guys, I was diagnosed with Cluster Headaches about a week ago and have been on Verapamil and Sumatriptane ever since. I started having these headaches about a month ago and my diagnosis was only just confirmed last week. The headaches occurred once every 5 to 6 days at the start but ever since I started taking these pills, I've been having one every day. I've heard people say that the pain is unbearable but the first headache I had would be an 8 (on a pain scale) and the subsequent ones ave gradually declined in intensity but they've also gotten longer. My last headache lasted two hours while the very first one I had lasted only 20 minutes. Right now the pain would be at a 5. I'm not sure if I have a high pain tolerance or I'm just one of the lucky ones (some luck huh). I would appreciate any advice I can get.
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