Been suffering from clusters with migraines for about five years now, and though they've been diagnosed for these last three years, when I go to a doctor they still insist that it's a sinus issue. This was of course the diagnosis I got in the first few times I went, before I knew what was happening. I get that the location of the pain is similar, but believe me, I've had sinusitis before and it's nothing like this! I was in so much pain a couple of weeks ago that I was in A&E and despite informing the doctor what was going on she 'diagnosed' it as sinusitis and sent me home with amoxicillin! 24 hours later I was back in A&E being admitted because I had attempted to cut my wrists to make the pain stop. (I don't really even remember that day, it's just a haze of unfathomable agony that ended up with me in hospital.) At least the next doctor I saw put me on oxygen that calmed things down for awhile until I got onto a ward that actually took things seriously.
How do you all convey to doctors that aren't familiar with your medical history that you are not, in fact, dealing with a sinus infection?