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ChrisK last won the day on April 28 2020

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  1. I take 240 mg on a regular basis for high blood pressure. When I am in a cycle my dr. bumps it up to 240 twice a day. this alone helps a lot. I also do the whole D3 Reg. that being said Even though I know I am still in a cycle. the hits are manageable. Good Luck. Keep us posted.
  2. Hang in there Hart, CHfather is right. Try the D3 Reg in between and in a cycle. Verapamil works well for me along with the D3. Just got done with a cycle, and with these things in place it was much more easy to go thru. Take care and keep us posted. Good luck.
  3. This is the place for you. I'm sure you have heard the response when you tell people about the pain.. "Yea, I get that too sometimes". Find a good headache DR. And please read about the D3 regimen. It helps a lot of us. Make sure your Dr is on board so they do all the follow ups. Hang in there and keep us posted.
  4. Blair, hang in there, this is the place for you. With all the meds you are taking no wonder you so tired. I get it. everyone is different but all the same. I also take verap 240mg twice a day when a cycle comes, and that zaps energy like crazy. Please look through this board and fine the D3 Regimen. That has helped a lot of us to where we are pain free in about ten days. worth giving it a try. Once it kicks in I can stop the verap and get on with my life. Hope this helps and keep us posted.
  5. only when I take the additional 240mg"s of the verap. makes it tough to work out, and mostly drained of energy. Like I said when the D3 regemine kicks in and I drop the extra verap, my energy levels go back to normal. Also fatigue is always a problem in a cycle for me due to the stress. But as soon as I'm pain free, I'm good to go.
  6. Hey Newbie, I take 240MG"s of Verap for blood pressure on a daily basis, once in a cycle it goes to 240 twice a day. This is enough to calm the beast. I also do the D3 regemin as Batch recommends. as soon as that kicks in, about ten days I cut back on the verap. Might give that a try.
  7. Thanks Batch, You are godsend for this community. I don't post often, but have been following this board for a long time. Started the regimen about 4 years ago and have great results. I take 249 Mg od verapamil for my blood pressure but elevate that when a cycle starts to twice a day. I really would like to get rid of the second dose as it make me a little tired. Thanks again.
  8. ChrisK


    Thanks, great info, been a clusterhead for about 45years. Been Lucky and pain free for three years on the D3. Just panic at the first shadow of a cycle.
  9. ChrisK


    Has anyone used CBD to ease the beast? I started a new cycle this month with mostly big shadowing. My son who takes CBD for anxiety, gave me some last night and it seamed to relive the shadow almost right away. Just asking.
  10. Dan, My cardio guy has me on 240mg once a day for my blood pressure, when I'm in a cycle, it goes to 240 twice a day. It usually works well for me. I am also on the D3 regimen. I was diagnosed when I was in my late twenties as well. I just turned 60 and the frequency has dropped a lot in the last couple of years. The support I get from this website is great just by reading posts. The D3 is the best recipe. Good luck!
  11. Hi Tonanty, I have been a clusterhead about 45 years. Once a day for around 6 weeks. 7:30 pm to be exact. From the posts I read we are the lucky ones. I have been pain free for about 3 years now but started the beast again last week. (right after a flu shot). The D3 regimine works very well for me.
  12. Been a Clusterhead for 45 years, at 60, I'm hoping to be geesing out. My question is that I have my D tested every 3 months with a 10,000 IU every day. My readings have been in the upper 60"s. Started a new cycle with only major Shadowing but nothing on the Kip scale in reguards to pain. How much should I increase the vitamin D to get to the proper level. I take the rest of the D regimine, as well as 240mg of Verapamill twice daily.
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