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Matthew Funk

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  1. Thank you very much to all who have taken the time to help me!
  2. Thanks for those who responded. I appreciate it.
  3. Finally some input, thanks for the response!
  4. Matthew Funk


    I have a plan. It used to be very specific. I've since moved and the specifics wouldn't work. The generic plan remains.
  5. Context: I've had a minor case of Clusters for about 10 years (1 attack every 1 to 2 days) usually in cycles of 3 months on, 9 months off. Currently I'm on a 5 month cycle and my attacks have increased to 1 to 2 every day. I use sumatriptan injections to abort (self dosing at 2ml per) with great success. Today I visited my doctor to try and get some further help and he asked if I have tried any preventative treatments. I have not. Without hesitation he prescribed me antidepressants. Is that a thing? In all my research I don't remember anyone every talking about antidepressants as preventative. By the way, I have no history of depression or depression drugs. Thanks for your input!
  6. This forum is such a blessing and curse, as most of you know. A blessing to know there are other's who have been where I am, who can understand, give advice etc... and a curse because it breaks my heart to hear about other's suffering. Anyway, with that said, I'm trying to figure out a way to lessen the cost of my imitrex (sumatriptan) and wondering if anyone has ever taken apart the nasal spray and hacked it to be injectable. Please excuse my ignorance on this. I just got the cartridge injection form (here in Manitoba they can't get the vials) and will divide it up for smaller doses with the needles/syringes I procured. This will save cost for sure, but the nasal sprays are even cheaper and if the liquid therein could be used for injecting I would save even more. Anyway, just wondering if anyone knows anything about this or has tried it? Thanks so much.
  7. Yes! Been scouring this board looking for something on this topic. I most assuredly have these after a heavy attack (kip 8 or 9).
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