Wussupper ClusterBusters!?
First off, I'd like to apologize in advance for my terrible wring as I know i'll be all over the place I'm a long time sufferer of Migraines since 2005. I was retired from the AirForce in 2010 for Migraines w/aura after failed treatment(s) via Military doctors, civilian Neurologists and until I was ultimately passed onto a pain management doctor. Prior to going to pain management, the doctor & Neurologist tried a slew of different medications, to include multiple triptans, blood pressure and psych meds to no avail. Nothing was helping and my quality of life suffered tremendously. The pain management doctor began treating me with opioids and I truly believe those pills caused my migraine w/aura to mutate into devastating cluster headaches. In addition to the opioids, I was working night-shift, 5pm to 5am, not getting any sun, sleep and wasn't eating well. I went from being 180lbs all the way down to 134lbs at my worst. My current wife is a bomb cook and got me back up to 170lbs at one point. As of today, I'm 160lbs. I've been chronic with clusters since at least 2016-2017 and they've progressively gotten worse. I recently stumbled upon Batch's Vitamin D3 Regimen and recalled that my doctor told me multiple times that I was vitamin D deficient, but didn't seem to think it was that big of a deal and told me to "just get a vitamin d supplement from GNC". I did get a vitamin d supplement, but it didn't seem to make much of a difference in my levels nor the cluster headaches I was getting seemingly every single day, often multiple times per day, along with waking me up in the middle of the night. I haven't been to the doctor since 2017 and quit all medications the doctors were giving me. My clusters actually lessened a lot when I quit taking all the meds. In addition, I haven't been able to drink much alcohol for the past few years because every single time I drink even one single beer, I'm guaranteed to get a cluster. After coming across Batch's regimen and watching the recent interview he did, I decided to give it a try. I began the regimen on 25July2022 knowing I'd be flying to Florida to get married on the 31st. I began with 50,000IU daily for approx. 12 days, along with all the suggested cofactors and then went into the maintenance phase last week where I switched from the 50,000IU D3 capsules to the nano D3 emulsion. I didn't have a cluster until the 31st (the night of my wedding), but I did drink a shot of TaKillYa and a glass of champagne. My appetite came back with a vengeance and I felt better than I have in a long time!. I kept to the regimen and didn't have another cluster for quite a few more days (which has NEVER happened.) I even drank a couple beers on the 5th and 6th of August and didn't get a cluster! Amazing! Last week (during maint. phase) while laying in bed I felt the beast coming on with a slight tingle behind my right eye. I knew it was coming, but when it did, the pain was oddly almost a soft knock that was nowhere near what I usually get. I get them behind my right eye every time; I can sometimes even shove my finger between my skull and my eyeball where I can feel the blood pumping and smashing against what feels like a nerve from hell. If i get my finger or a frozen water bottle in the perfect spot, I've dulled the pain until the cluster subsides. Most of the time the attempts are futile, but I still perform said ritual religiously. The next day the same thing happened except the pain was much worse. I was starting to get discouraged when I decided to go back over the regimen and molest the internet for more info. I rewatched the video and noticed that it was recommended to take up to 100,000IU via D3 capsules and also 40,000IU nano liquid. I also heard Batch say that you should hold 1/2 a dropper of the nano liquid under your tongue and/or swish it around your mouth for at least 4 minutes. I was apparently doing it wrong. I was only taking 50,000IU daily during the loading period and when I switched to the maintenance phase, I was only taking 1/4 of a dropper of the nano emulsion and I only held it in my mouth for about 30 seconds. I'm pretty sure my 25-OH levels dropped during the maintenance phase do to me not fully understanding the how the regimen should be approached for someone chronic like me. A couple days ago I began taking 100,000IU D3 capsules and 40,000IU nano liquid in hopes my levels will get back to where I can remain pain free. I began the regimen without consulting my doctor but made an appointment to get my 25-OH and PTH levels checked. I saw the doctor today and she scoffed at me when I showed her Batch's regimen. She told me there's no way D3 would "cure" my ailment and she recommends I go back to see a Neurologist because medications have advanced and suggested some sort of monthly injection. I told her that I just want her to order the tests requested and that I'd follow up w/her in a month if this regimen didn't work. Before she let me go, she asked if I wanted her to prescribe me some vitamin D. I said sure and when I picked up the meds, it was 50,000IU of vitamin d2, not d3 as Batch recommends. From what I understand, D2 is a pharmaceutical and D3 is naturally occurring; not the same at all. I took the lab test today and hope to get my results soon. I was able to go on my medial/hospital app and see my prior vitamin D lab test results. They are pretty old, from 2012-2017, but as Batch predicted my levels were severely low. Despite recommended medical/privacy concerns, I've attached those results below. I don't know if Batch @xxx is around and can get with me to help me navigate this regimen? I'll post the results of my latest vitamin D test within the next couple days when I receive them. Overall I must say that I'm very optimistic about Batch's regimen and have high hopes it'll work! I appreciate all who took the time to read my story.