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KinginTn last won the day on March 1

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    United States

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  • Cluster Headache Community
  • Migraine Community

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  1. Last year was my 1st year attending. I had never met anyone with CH before that conference. It was great being around everyone. I learned a lot and hope to attend again this year !
  2. Hello, it's nice to have a place to go were people understand. I am also fairly new. I don't post much but I do try read alot here so I feel like I'm not so alone. I have only had CH for about 5 years, chronic for the last few. I have also learned alot from this community. Everyone seems very compassionate and caring. I wish you well. Welcome !
  3. I don't know if this can help Mike but I hope so. I was desperately trying to find a preventative that would work for me. I tried Emgality for 7 months and it just was not effective at all for me. I don't have anything bad to say but sadly it didn't help me. I had thought verapamil didn't work when I had stopped it at 360 earlier in my journey. I later read a medical paper that the therapeutic dose for chronic started at 480-600. I than started verapamil again and found 480 did help a small amount and was over overjoyed. I am on 720 (240 every 8 hours) currently and have nights now that I sleep. I still have attacks mostly at night but not every night. Perhaps a higher dose of verapamil may help you. Your doctor may find this is appropriate to try ? Good luck Mike
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