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maybe you guys hit a nerve since I have seen it ravage people

I hear ya...When me and my friends were doing MDMA (A LOT) everything was great till we had been doing it for about 3 or 4 months---then EVERYBODY ended up getting whacked out in their own way.  One of my friends tried to kill themselves, two others opted to move to heavy opiates and ended up in jail...  I can completely understand where you're coming from, but I think the biggest point to remember is that even with MDMA, there is a difference between USE and ABUSE.  I've met a good number of people that have only taken it a few times in their lives, every person has only reported good effects on their lives.  If there was a negative impact on their brain, it was outweighed by the positive impact on their life.  (Something I can not say about ANY of the people who were heavy users)  Narcotics are horrible if you're a junkie, a godsend if you're a cancer patient, amphetamines will ruin your brain pretty easily, but a godsend if you're a narcoleptic.

     I'm in agreement with you JL, I don't think MDMA would be a good choice for clusters--knowing that it's associated with a huge rush of serotonin I bet it would abort pretty well, but in the days afterwords (some researchers claim months to years with heavy use) it's known to lower those serotonin levels, making it more likely to get hit.

As far as PTSD, there are lots of meds that can make life easier, but they are all about controlling the symptoms.  (mostly anti-depressants, sedatives, anti-psychotics)  The idea with the MDMA therapy is that you go back and work through the traumatic experience that has screwed your brain, somehow the MDMA makes this possible--whereas usually the whole experience is too traumatic to deal with, panic attacks, flashbacks and what not.  So, I agree, lots of meds you CAN take, it just sounds like the difference between controlling your symptoms and actually working through the root cause of the problem.

Sorry about the attitude JL, Once you've seen people ravaged by a drug I know it can be hard to see the other side.



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