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RC + SJW = AHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh


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Like most, I've been absent for a while. . .just wanted to pop in to report some results of my experiments.

I had been having limited success with RC seeds, getting a few days of relief, but the CH steadily built back into full force after a week or so. After upping the dosage to about the maximum I was comfortable with, I started to chart exactly what was happening and how these "rebound" headaches started and grew.

Long story short, I felt the seeds were doing their job, but I would get "blips". A shadow here and there. . .a CH that would jump up to a K8 or so, but disappear in 10 minutes. Completely erratic. So I went in search of something that would smooth out these after-shocks. After much reading, I settled on trying a regimen of 300mg of St. John's Wort three times per day. I won't go into all the science behind it, that would make this post way too long. But I am confident that the SJW helped to even out my serotonin blips after an RC dose. I haven't even thought about a headache in almost a month.

I'm not saying this is the answer for everyone, or even for anyone but me, but take it for what it's worth, do the research yourself, and consider trying it if you've exhausted all other options. I welcome any and all other comments from anyone who has had experience with SJW.

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Thanks, fellas. . .just a little background info, SJW gets studied extensively for its ability to aid in clinical depression, and most studies have proven it to be as effective (or more effective) than the chemicals from big pharma. Indications are that it works like a SSRI, and also functions as an MAOI in higher dosages. Now, understanding that there are more depressed people than clusterheads, that's where the research goes. . .but they don't have a monopoly on serotonin problems! So, being very confident that my post-busting "blips" were nothing more than serotonin irregularities, I figured it was worth a shot. Bottom line, I haven't even had a shadow in a long time, and I don't plan to. I am taking absolutely no other supplements, not even a vitamin.

There is a boatload of reading material out there, most of it pertaining to depression studies. But I'd encourage those of you considering this experiment to pay attention to the data on SJW's SSRI properties.

Here's a basic overview, with a couple clinical studies linked. . .


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