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question/ busting while on verap?

anthony g

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anthony, i was hoping that someone more knowledgeable than me might answer this.  hopefully, that will still happen.  what i can tell you is that some people here have reported some success with busting while still on verapamil.  but i don't recall (a) what level of verap they were on while busting or (B) what busting agent they were using (since you are asking specifically about seeds).  i do recall that when people reported that success, they were achieving a reduction in attacks and the severity of the attacks, but not complete remission.  not much help, i know -- best i can do and i figured some kind of reply might be better than none.

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Hi Anthony and welcome!

CHfather is right - there has been some success busting while on verapamil.  I know because I am one of those.  I have had success busting with psilocybin, LSD and LSA (seeds).  As a matter of fact, I had more success busting with seeds than anything else.  I have been on 480mg verap daily for years, and had pretty good success overall busting, although I do feel quite certain that I would have enjoyed much more success if I had been able to completely detox from verapamil.

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